Anonymous ID: 5c70dd June 12, 2020, 6:50 a.m. No.9585600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5633 >>5662 >>5711



How best to disseminate the following written word(s)?

This can be published anywhere, since it was first published here, a FREE and independent open source think tank.




So, when people complain that the 'Left' is destroying history, mainly by removing Confederate statues and names (roads, buildings, and now forts) from the public eye, they are only partly correct.

The real reason for the 'Left' to remove these items is to remove their association with them. You see, the Democrat Party has long been associated with the states of the former Confederacy. Our history shows that the Democrat Party even struggled after the Civil War to gain representation in our Federal Government.(1) Some may say, 'the parties flipped in the past, and the ideals flipped also.' This is not true, the parties never flipped, and there are many examples to prove this with a little research.(2) Welcome to the [D] Party con. We the people are being played.


With some independent thinking and research, people will find this out, realize the Democrat Party has never given up their racist ideals, and the people will stop giving them power. #WalkAway. Woodrow Wilson [D] showed the first moving picture in the white house, a movie celebrating the KKK.(3) Robert Burr [D] admitted to starting a KKK chapter before being elected to public office.(4) Hillary Clinton [D] says he was a great mentor.(5) In fact, when the Democrat leadership in Congress recently posed for the cameras in African kente cloth over the death of George Floyd, no one mentioned the cloth's history is tied to slavery (the African Ashanti nation were slave traders).


The militant arm of the Democrat Party in the past was the KKK.(6) Sorry folks, this one is also true. Since the KKK has been so vilified over the years, the Democrat Party needed a new militant group, enter ANTIFA. ANTIFA's history began during the NAZI German era, as the militant arm of the German Communist Party.(7) Despite the name, the movement embraces fascistic tactics. Funding for ANTIFA comes from Democrats (who of late have been openly embracing Communist ideals). ANTIFA are allowed to operate with impunity in Democrat controlled cities throughout the nation. During the latest riots, most arrested ANTIFA have been set free. ANTIFA are allowed so much discretion, Seattle has actually conceded 6 city blocks to them. Including a police station. This is treason. This is a Communist uprising.


Welcome to the [D] Party con.



(2) (Prager U)




