Anonymous ID: dc8a37 June 12, 2020, 5:49 a.m. No.9585088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5092 >>5411

>>9584525 Flynn States: 'Forces of Evil Want to Steal Our Freedom in the Dark of Night, But God Stands with Us


Flynn: Forces of Evil Want To Steal Our Freedom in the Dark of Night, But God Stands with Us

Michael Flynn


For anons that don’t have the time to go there, whole article below. note anons published in June 11, 2020


There are seminal moments in American history that test every fiber of our nation’s soul.


We are facing one now.


Revolutionary forces are causing every American citizen to question which direction the country is heading. To determine the outcome, we must examine our nation’s history to project ourselves forward into the future.


Once again, tyranny and treachery are in our midst, and although we feel we’ve descended into a hellish state of existence, we must never forget, hell is conquerable.


Prayer is the greatest weapon and a consciousness of God is the ultimate “thought of the day.”


The idea or notion of a heaven on Earth is the very real sense of being free. Freedom is oxygen. Like the air we breathe that keeps our lungs full and our hearts beating, the celestial feeling of freedom brings a sense of peace to our souls.


Freedom must never be taken for granted. Securing our freedom demands a high price— and that price requires hard work and sacrifice. Both will bind us all by the value they produce, but only if we are willing to seek new opportunities and new ideas.


Those who have sacrificed the most, those who have given the last true measure of devotion that derives from the love of faith, family and the cause of freedom — for all of us to be free, and for the betterment of our republic and the free world — cannot be allowed to have died in vain.


Theirs is the ultimate sacrifice and heaven is their reward.


Do you stand with God and Gen. Michael Flynn against the evil forces that want to destroy America?


Our future, the future of our children and grandchildren and the future of our country are at stake. God will not give way to the care of the devil or allow us to be left to the evil vices of those who would steal our freedom in the dark of night.


He will not.


Instead, God will stand with us, as he always does.


Hard work and personal sacrifice still very much matter. Being a good person and showing kindness to others still matter.


If our nation is to survive this crucible moment, we need to fall back on the God-given values and ideals that are the very foundation of our constitutional republic. Let us not fear the uncertainty that comes with the unknown, instead accept it and fight through that sense of fear.


And we must remember: The power of hell, while strong, is limited. God is the ultimate judge and decision maker. His anointed providence is our country, the United States of America.


As long as we accept God in the lifeblood of our nation, we will be OK. If we don’t, we will face a hellish existence.


I vote we accept God.

Anonymous ID: dc8a37 June 12, 2020, 6:02 a.m. No.9585176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bob Ehrlich: FBI's Treatment of Flynn a Wake-Up Call To All Americans

June 11, 2020

I awakened last Thursday to good news: Justice had finally been afforded to Gen. Michael Flynn.

—Finally, I thought, enough of the facts had been brought to light that even haters would surely see how poorly the 33-year veteran, three-star general had been treated.

—I hoped that even the administration’s considerable number of detractors could see that the blemish of Flynn’s less than forthcoming discussions with Vice President Pence and non-material and FBI-encouraged false statements did not justify the FBI’s plan to destroy him.

—And then reality hit me square in the face: Apologists for the Obama Justice Department would never let this matter go.

—The setting here is the James Comey-generated entrapment of an incoming national security advisor. We now know it was a setup because the FBI possessed the transcripts of Gen. Flynn’s (wholly appropriate) conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and that Comey had previously bragged about his perjury trap on tape — going so far as to say he would never have entertained such a plan when operating under a Bush or Obama White House.

—Last week, we found out that FBI agents Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka proceeded to interview Flynn in an attempt to — per the notes of agent Bill Priestap — gain “[t]ruth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired.”

—The public was previously informed that despite this general (and plainly illegal) motive, the interviewing agents concluded that Flynn did not lie to them. Recall this conclusion was reached despite their successful ploy to discourage Flynn from bringing an attorney with him.

—Most of all, we are now beginning to learn the rest of the story because a lioness of an attorney named Sidney Powell called out all the culpable miscreants of the Obama era in her successful representation of a man who could not afford to pay her. The government, completely abandoning the professional disinterest that is supposed to be their hallmark, had made sure that Michael Flynn was broken in more ways than one.

—The most distressing single government act that has recently come to light is the extensive editing of the so-called “FP-302” report (raw interview notes) by Peter Strzok. Indeed, last week’s texts show that Strzok edited Pientka’s report to such an extent that he told FBI attorney Lisa Page that he was “trying not to completely re-write it.” Even worse, the texts reflect that Page contributed edits as well — despite not being present at the interview.

—Are you concerned about corruption in the FBI?

—Back to my naïve reaction. In retrospect, it was silly of me to think that those on the other side of the partisan divide would for a split second issue a mea culpa for attempting to destroy the reputation of an American patriot.

—Indeed, the dagger to my unfulfilled hope was supplied by none other than the person under whom all the shenanigans took place. Yes, the former law professor Barack Obama, who said in reaction to the DOJ’s decision to drop the case:

—“The fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.”

—Note that the former president did not even get the alleged crime right: Flynn was charged with making “false statements” to the FBI, not perjury.

—Left unsaid by most of the outraged left-wing partisans on the cable news networks is an inconvenient legal requirement. To wit: The Department of Justice is compelled to drop prosecutions once it concludes it has little or no chance to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Here, the accumulating evidence made for a damning case of government

—The rightful decision to drop the case does not alter the ugly chain of events that placed Flynn in the government’s crosshairs. He had the bad timing to join a campaign and incoming administration during Justice Department investigations. He was made a target because he was part of the team that was not supposed to win the election. He subsequently resigned his position in disgrace and then pleaded guilty because prosecutors threatened to put his son in prison. His defense costs broke him. He lost his home.

—In this case, it should not matter whether you bleed blue or red, whether you see Mike Flynn as a flawed man who was not straight with the vice president or as an American hero. It matters because if such a nightmare can be foisted upon a three-star general, imagine what could happen to you.

—“Not in America,” all good Democrats and Republicans should say in unison. Every one of us deserves better — and each one of us must demand as much going forward.

Anonymous ID: dc8a37 June 12, 2020, 6:22 a.m. No.9585307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5587 >>5710 >>5753

WSJ: Business Groups Fighting Trump’s Visa Reform Want ‘Carve Out’ Loopholes


This pretty much tells you how patriotic these corporations are


Business groups are still fighting President Donald Trump’s draft plan to create jobs for Americans by temporarily closing three pipelines of foreign visa workers, the Wall Street Journal reported on June 11.


“Senior officials at the White House, the Department of Homeland Security and the Labor Department have been working for several months on the recommendations, which they plan to bring to the president for final signoff as soon as this week, the people familiar with the talks said,” according to the WSJ, which added:


Administration officials said the president hasn’t yet signed off on the plan, adding that it could change as senior aides continue to discuss the matter.




The administration is also considering a broader carve-out allowing employers to hire [visa workers] if they can prove they can’t hire Americans for a given job.


The reform would temporarily block the pipelines which deliver H-1B and L-1 professionals and J-1 seasonal workers to many employers, including Disney and T-Mobile. The three programs keep roughly 700,000 foreign white collar and 100,000 foreign blue collar workers in jobs throughout the United States — even as millions of Americans are looking for good jobs in the coronavirus crash.


But corporate lobbyists, CEOs, and investors — plus their allies in the White House — have already delayed and narrowed the visa reforms by four years.


“I will end forever the use of the H-1B as a cheap labor program, and institute an absolute requirement to hire American workers first for every visa and immigration program,” Trump said in March 2016. “No exceptions.” He followed up on Inauguration Day by promising a “Hire American” economic policy.


Multiple sources say the business groups are now pushing for exemptions and loopholes that would preserve the many pipelines that keep roughly 1.3 million foreign graduates in jobs needed by U.S. graduates.


For example, officials are not planning to tighten the B-1 pipeline, which companies use to import white collar workers under the guise of training programs.


The Journal reported officials are “considering a broader carve-out allowing employers to hire immigrants if they can prove they can’t hire Americans for a given job.”


“If that’s included, the entire exercise will be meaningless, just window-dressing,” said a tweet from Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies. He added:


Also, if the order includes “incentives” for hiring Americans in lieu of suspending visas, it will be B.S. Congress included empty political ass-covering like that in [the H-1B law]. The only incentive that can work is simply not to be able to hire the foreign workers in the first place.


Another possible loophole would preserve the pipeline of visa workers by creating small incentives for companies to hire Americans, Krikorian said.


But business groups strongly support the labor pipelines for both management and financial reasons.


The flood of extra workers helps raise stock values by dropping the nationwide price of professional skills, especially among subcontractors.


It also delivers a compliant and disposable white collar labor force to the coastal executives at Fortune 500 companies and many healthcare companies. This gig worker labor force of modestly skilled workers minimizes the need for executives to hire and manage independent American professionals.


But the executives’ discriminatory exclusion of American graduates and professionals shrivels the innovation needed by the nation to counter the growing threat from government-backed Chinese companies. This exclusion is also creating an increasing population of educated but downwardly mobile and alienated young men and women.

Anonymous ID: dc8a37 June 12, 2020, 6:25 a.m. No.9585325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5338

Chamber of Commerce: ‘Crucial’ to Import Foreign Workers While 30M Americans Unemployed

United States Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donahue says it is “crucial” that businesses be allowed to continue importing foreign visa workers even as 30 million Americans remain unemployed due to the Chinese coronavirus crisis.


Donahue sent a letter to President Donald Trump asking that he not halt foreign visa worker programs — such as the H-1B visa, the L visa, the H-2B visa, and the OPT program — claiming businesses need the foreign workers to fill American jobs.


The latest jobs report, though, has shown there is no labor shortage, with about 30 million Americans who are unemployed or underemployed.


The Chamber of Commerce writes:

As the economy rebounds, American businesses will need assurances that they can meet all their workforce needs. To that end, it is crucial that they have access to talent both domestically and from around the world. Policies that would, for example, impose wide-ranging bans on the entry of nonimmigrant workers or impose burdensome new regulatory requirements on businesses that employ foreign nationals would undermine that access to talent, and, in the process, undercut our economy’s ability to grow and create jobs. [Emphasis added]


Very similar concerns have been raised with respect to the effects that an entry ban would have on employers of H-1B visa holders. American businesses across multiple industries, including technology companies, accounting firms, manufacturers, among others, employ H-1B workers for the skill sets they possess that drive innovation and productivity gains within their own companies or for their clients. If companies cannot hire new H-1B workers or continue to employ their current H-1B workers, innovation and productivity growth, particularly that which is achieved through patent production, would suffer greatly to the detriment of our overall economy. Short-term disruptions in the L-1 and H-1B visa programs would hamper businesses’ ability to make long-term planning and domestic investment decisions. [Emphasis added]


In a given year, more than 100,000 foreign workers are brought to the U.S. on the H-1B visa and are allowed to stay for up to six years. There are about 650,000 H-1B visa foreign workers in the U.S. at any given moment.


Americans are often laid off in the process and forced to train their foreign replacements, as highlighted by Breitbart News. More than 85,000 Americans annually potentially lose their jobs to foreign labor through the H-1B visa program.


Donahue said the L-1 visa — a limitless program that allows corporations to bring as many foreign employees as they want to the U.S. for up to seven years. Likewise, Donahue said the H-2B visa program, which currently fast-tracks blue-collar foreign workers into American jobs, must be preserved amid mass unemployment.


The full letter can be read here:


Chamber of Commerce Letter by John Binder on Scribd


Donahue also said the Trump administration must not scrap the OPT program and the H-4 visa program, even as a growing grassroots effort between American worker advocates, conservatives, and college student groups lobby the White House to reduce foreign labor market competition.


In May, 30 college student groups signed a letter to Trump asking him to halt H-1B visas and the OPT program — whereby corporations are able to hire foreign graduates at a discount — as many of them enter a worse jobs crisis since the Great Depression.


“You can make this right by ending the OPT program and suspending the H-1B program,” the students wrote. “Suspending all guest worker programs is ideal, but the OPT and H-1B schemes are especially egregious. We look forward to seeing what you do to help America’s college students and recent graduates.”

Anonymous ID: dc8a37 June 12, 2020, 6:27 a.m. No.9585345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5782

Schiff: I Worry Trump Will Leave People Vulnerable to COVID and Keep ‘Mishandling’ Protests


STFU Schitt, your day of reckoning is coming asshole


During an interview on MSNBC on Thursday, House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) expressed his concern that President Trump will continue his “terrible mishandling” of both the coronavirus pandemic, and “of the protests in our streets,” that Trump will “further leave Americans vulnerable to becoming ill and dying” from the coronavirus, and that the president will continue “contesting the results of the election.” Schiff further accused the president of encouraging a “more militaristic” police response to protests.


Schiff said, “Well, I guess, first and foremost, I’m worried that he’ll continue this terrible mishandling of the pandemic, of the protests in our streets, that he will further divide us, he’ll further leave Americans vulnerable to becoming ill and dying from the virus. But he will also continue this path of delegitimizing the votes of millions, seeking to disenfranchise them, but those who do vote by absentee, seeking to discredit those votes, and contesting the results of the election. So, that’s a lot I know, Joy, but sadly, he’s given us every reason to be concerned about all those things.”


He added that Trump has tried to “egg on a more militaristic response by police, calling in troops.”

Anonymous ID: dc8a37 June 12, 2020, 6:32 a.m. No.9585398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5587 >>5710 >>5753

Iowa Moves to Block Sending Out Unsolicited Mail-In Ballot Applications


Iowa is moving to block the Secretary of State from sending out unsolicited mail-in ballot applications to all registered voters ahead of the 2020 presidential election.


Republicans in the Iowa State Senate passed legislation this week that would bar Secretary of State Paul Pate (R) from sending out mail-in ballot applications to registered voters who did not first request an application, according to the Des Moines Register:


After more than two hours of emotional debate Wednesday, Iowa Senate Republicans passed a wide-ranging election bill that would prohibit the secretary of state from mailing absentee ballot request forms without first receiving a request from a voter. [Emphasis added]



“(With the) secretary of state, we have no checks and balances,” Sen. Roby Smith, R-Davenport, said. “And I know today you like what he did. A future secretary of state, in the future, may do something you don’t like.” [Emphasis added]


The measure comes after Pate sent out mail-in ballot applications, unsolicited, to about two million registered voters in Iowa for the state’s June 2 primary. The result was that more than eight-in-ten voters in Iowa voted by absentee.


Recent data has not shown a compelling public health justification for mail-in voting. In Wisconsin’s April election, only 52 of more than 400,000 voters and poll workers were confirmed to have contracted the Chinese coronavirus. None of those cases were fatal. This equals an infection rate below two-hundredths of one percent

Anonymous ID: dc8a37 June 12, 2020, 6:36 a.m. No.9585430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5587 >>5710 >>5753

Clinton-Appointed Judge: ‘Illegal’ to Arrest Criminal Illegal Aliens at New York Courthouses


This guy has to retire or be investigated, and then charged


A federal judge, appointed by former President Bill Clinton, says federal immigration agents arresting criminal illegal aliens at New York state courthouses is “illegal.”


United States District Court Judge Jed Rakoff ruled on Wednesday that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) must not arrest criminal illegal aliens as they are leaving court in New York. He wrote:


Specifically, the Court declares ICE’s policy of courthouse arrests … to be illegal, and hereby enjoins ICE from conducting any civil arrests on the premises or grounds of New York State courthouses, as well as such arrests of anyone required to travel to a New York State courthouse as a party or witness to a lawsuit.


Attorneys for New York state and Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez had filed suit against ICE for arresting criminal illegal aliens at courthouses. In 2019, ICE agents took 173 illegal aliens into custody at courthouses. In 2018, they arrested 107 illegal aliens at courthouses.


The attorneys and Gonzalez complained that illegal aliens had become stricken with fear

WTF and who cares!


“According to plaintiffs, not only do these immigration arrests make certain parties and witnesses fear coming to court, but the temporary chaos they create disrupts court proceedings and makes it impossible for judges to do their jobs effectively,”


The court ruling could have widespread implications on ICE’s already limited ability to arrest and deport illegal aliens. Last year, ICE agents arrested more than 143,000 illegal aliens and deported nearly 268,000 illegal aliens. There remain anywhere between 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the U.S.


The lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of New York. The case number is 19-cv-8876.

Anonymous ID: dc8a37 June 12, 2020, 6:39 a.m. No.9585468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5475 >>5486 >>5588

Valerie Jarrett: Biden’s ‘Authenticity Is Perfect,’ ‘What Our Country Needs at This Moment


In other words he’s the best GD liar and he’s getting away with it, I trained him well


Valerie Jarrett, a longtime friend and top adviser to former President Barack Obama, said on Thursday in an online interview with the Washington Post that former Vice President Joe Biden is the right person to be president “at this moment,” and she looks forward to him being sworn into office in January 2021.


“I think his message is spot on,” said Jarrett, who then referred to Biden meeting with the family of George Floyd, who died last month at the hands of the Minneapolis police. “I teared up when I heard his remarks the other day. His phone call with the [Floyd] family where he listened and was empathetic.”


“His willingness to go down to Houston and be with the family and really talk through ideas on how we can move forward,” Jarrett said. “I think the message and the tone and the authenticity is perfect.”

Anonymous ID: dc8a37 June 12, 2020, 6:44 a.m. No.9585527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5584

Stacey Abrams: Biden Campaign Hasn’t Called Me for VP Vetting


Hmm I wonder why, she’s seems like a perfect choice??? Kek. Maybe it because the Dems don’t want two people that will die of dementia or being so radically overweight. And she’s hard to look at


Appearing Wednesday on CBS’ The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, left-wing activist Stacey Abrams said she has not received any calls from the Biden campaign about being vetting as his running mate.


STEPHEN COLBERT: Joe Biden needs a vice-presidential running mate. April Ryan says you’re being vetted. Is that true or are you calling April Ryan a liar?


STACEY ABRAMS: I have said many times that if called I will answer, but I have not received any calls. I look forward to hearing from whoever April Ryan is speaking to.


COLBERT: A lot of times, vice-presidential, possible running mates, demur when they are asked the question. You don’t. You’re like, “sure, I would like to do that.” Why do you not demur as people do in the past?


ABRAMS: Because I know that when I’m asked the questions “Are you qualified? Can you do this?” that I’m not just answering for myself. I’m being asked this question because I don’t look like what people usually look like when they are considered for these jobs. And I’ve learned over the course of my life, starting out as a young black girl in Mississippi, that if you don’t speak up for yourself, then people will take that as permission to underestimate you. But more importantly, it gives them permission to underestimate everyone who looks like you, everyone who reminds them of you