Anonymous ID: 63c6d4 June 12, 2020, 7:18 a.m. No.9585892   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6126


Q, please explain rationale of pouring gasoline on [their] narrative?


1) Can’t tell public the truth, they must

SEE it…




2) COVID+Riots —->>BLM—->[D] —>> Mail in votes—>> Cheat




3) people are waking up —->great awakening




  1. Your competition is not vote worthy for most people


We are trying to wake people up, so why keep throwing fire on [their] “Trump is closet racist” narrative with the dog whistling and signaling a premeditated plan to bring maximum division in America (see graphics)? Especially when several Trump cards are clearly sitting on the table and not being used.


  1. Sign an EO to end pharmaceutical advertising and FAKE MEDIA dies over night.

  2. Expose the FFs (NSA sees everything)

  3. For the love of GOD, make some fucking arrests already!

  4. Stop painting yourself as a closet racist with the 4D signaling tactics that inflame the opposition. We know you are not a racist, so why do it?


Q, please provide some wisdom on these points.


Thx in advance❤️🇺🇸