Anonymous ID: faa9c1 June 12, 2020, 8:04 a.m. No.9586376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6414 >>6432

Flynn case: Sullivan's attorney being asked the basic question we all want to know.

Who us the amicus representing? Some inherent power of the court?

Wish I could tell anons a clear answer.

Best I can tell is Sullivan has amicus to present an adversarial potion because the government and Flynn are aligned.

Sullivan's. Lawyer didn't pull that off well.

Flynn and government are saying that Sullivan is creating a controversy or conflict when there isn't one. The case must be dismissed unless there is a conflict or controversy.

Sullivan lawyer seemed to say amicus is there as adversarial or in other words create a the conflict that otherwise doesn't exist.conflict

This is my take so far.

Anonymous ID: faa9c1 June 12, 2020, 8:21 a.m. No.9586565   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6595

Hearing ended.

Seems all in agreement that Sullivan must dismiss and has not power to do otherwise.

Flynn attorney arguing no authority to bring in amicus and irreparable harm to Flynn

Government arguing irreparable harm to both because of accusations amicus leveled against DOJ in political season.Forcing the government to defend against them only to have Sullivan ultimately dismiss the case as he is required to do

Sullivan lawyer argues premature to be here today and allow Sullivan time to do his job. No proof what government says will play out that way. (as long as you overlook amicus brief saying it will)