VENUS30 USAF C-40B finished up at NiagraFalls Int'l and went sout the State College, PA_university Park Airport and did same thing. BAck to JBA
SAM362 USAF G5 (formerly VENUS65 on it's St. Loius departure) has picked up VM767 USMC C-560 on it's tail-out of JBA
GRZLY50 USMC C-560 from MCAS Miramar currently just east at Point Reyes National Seashore (where the dickfish were)
GRZLY50 USMC C-560 on final (and on ground) at Sonoma County Airport..just a little west of Pelosi-Ville in Napa
MAGMA89 Dornier C-146A departed Honduras, Comayagua and north-been here several times in the last 2 weeks and off to the pilot's right (a little higher up) is
RCH453 USAF C-17 Globemaster that left Managua, Nicaragua-Int'l Airport north
totally agree
Bailing out the local gov'ts for yrs of poor financial mgmt and giving it directly to them.
Elon Musk N628TS G6 landed at Brownsville, TX about 21 minutes ago-from Hawthorne, CA