so what
it's a good idea
more people should do it
these people drive in from all over
and wear basic uniforms, so sticker away, and video the mob destroy the property then upload for #operationsticker
so what
it's a good idea
more people should do it
these people drive in from all over
and wear basic uniforms, so sticker away, and video the mob destroy the property then upload for #operationsticker
that means it only gets worse and suffering grows closer and closer like the birth pains
biblical right
all must suffer
God wins only when it's all over
until then Satan has victories
and the people suffer in righteousness right
let them fall
learn not to support those killing you with your dollars which count more than your vote
every person who didn't vote or voted for current leadership should have voter rights removed all power and utilities cut off and banned from any banking or financial services while having citizenship removed
quit your fucking crying pussies
you signed up for the Qdrama
you have to wait to the end of this war to realize a victory
this drama series is about how we give spoiled brats everything and yet they still manage to fuck it up and everyone suffers for it
it's not rocket science, how many times have you seen this exact script in HW you fucking pussies
Our enemies are safe when fighting with the army you have
i hope they all go broke
the price you pay when you willfully let you country be stolen from you while paying the thieves for protection and permission to play their fucked up game
the people of chaz need to have aids and covid-19 and any other disease plus every std brought their for their distribution and sharing.
let those fucking scum die in a pool of their own shit and making
hey useful idiots
see the whole picture
they took lawn
placed a starter in it
put cardboard down
then threw mulch on top
lazy and failed method of sheet mulching
sheet mulching is awesome but does have some rules for success
lazy idiots who don't care for processes just feel good sentiments and free trophies for everybody can't follow through on those to reap rewards
well so far so good
no BS Qpost today
maybe we some patriot action and Q keep his post shut for the weekend
pattern is Q post means nothing good for anons is happening, and Q wan'ts you happy and staying put so he posts to keep q flame going
and those so called good people will hang out with those parents and let their kids hang out with those parents because they want to be accepted and raise some more little shits will they do
Q tards will not like this
prepare for incoming
they do not believe in direct action
keyboard only is the motto
oh and be nice to your enemy he has feelings and it's not their fault
or create perfect storm and need the UN to intervene