Anonymous ID: 7c0e5a June 12, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.9590873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1134 >>1244

Florida Restaurant Declares Itself a ‘Safe Haven’ for Law Enforcement Officers


Thank God some patriots and humans still left on this world


restaurant in Port Richey, Florida, promised Thursday to be a place of refuge for law enforcement officers amid calls to defund the police.


“To all police officers, Sheriff deputies, marshall, or any law enforcement officer, The Local Fresh Grill will always be a safe haven for you, a place where you can come and enjoy your lunch knowing that I have your back,” the restaurant wrote on Facebook, according to WFLA.


The owners said officers should also know that while inside the restaurant, they would be shown “the respect they deserve,” and added that they still offered a 10 percent discount to law enforcement.


Amid calls to defund the police in the wake of George Floyd’s death, Pastor Darrell Scott said Wednesday during a hearing on Capitol Hill that the move would be “unwise” and “irresponsible.”


He continued:


The prospect of defunding and/or dismantling of Police forces across the country is one of the most unwise, irresponsible proposals by American politicians in our nation history. It is nothing short of the politicizing of current social events, a reactionary measure that can result in short and long term damage to American society. … The criminal element in and of society would enjoy nothing better than a reduction in police presence and power.


Following his announcement to cut the New York Police Department’s (NYPD) budget, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D) wife, Chirlane McCray, said Tuesday that abolishing the NYPD would be “like a nirvana, a utopia that we are nowhere close to getting to,” according to Breitbart News.


However, Scott, who is the cofounder and CEO of President Donald Trump’s National Diversity Coalition, said defunding the police would only lead to a rise in crime.


“Defunding of police departments has already happened in a number of American Cities, and, rather than remedying problems, has actually made conditions much worse,” he stated.


Thursday, the Local Fresh Grill assured officers that not everyone was “fooled by all this propaganda and media exaggerations. We know that the majority of you are good people and put your lived [sic] on the line every day for us.”

Anonymous ID: 7c0e5a June 12, 2020, 4:03 p.m. No.9590907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0965 >>1065 >>1134 >>1244

Free Speech Org FIRE Defends UCLA Prof Suspended After Refusing to Postpone Exam For Black Students


Glad organizations are fighting back


The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), a First Amendment advocacy group, penned a letter this week in defense of UCLA lecturer Gordon Klein, who was suspended from the university over his refusal to postpone an exam for black students.


In a letter sent to UCLA this week, FIRE argues that it is unconstitutional under the First Amendment to punish accounting lecturer Gordon Klein over his refusal to postpone an exam for black students.


Breitbart News reported this week that Klein had been placed on leave in response to an email exchange he had with a student that demanded that he allow black students to postpone their final exam. They argued that black students should not be required to take their exams on their scheduled dates due to the recent social unrest surrounding the death of George Floyd.


“Remember that MLK famously said that people should not be evaluated based on the ‘color of their skin. Do you think that your request would run afoul of MLK’s admonition?” Klein wrote in his email to the student.


In its letter, FIRE told UCLA its decision to suspend Klein over the email was a violation of the university’s First Amendment obligations. FIRE ultimately called on UCLA to reinstate Klein immediately to avoid further constitutional violations.


While some may disagree with Klein’s approach, his right to academic freedom encompasses the right to manage the content and direction of his course. Further, his email exchange with the student who proposed an altered schedule and grading policies, with whom Klein had a prior cordial relationship, did not amount to unlawful harassment or discriminatory conduct. On the contrary, that exchange represented a discussion about university policies and how the institution should respond to the civil unrest following the homicide of George Floyd. Accordingly, UCLA’s decision to place Klein on leave is incompatible with the university’s First Amendment obligations and the basic tenets of academic freedom. FIRE calls on UCLA to immediately reinstate Klein.


The letter goes on to suggest that Klein’s suspension could have a “chilling effect” on free speech on campus. Other faculty members will likely self-censor to avoid similar professional repercussions for choosing to voice politically incorrect opinions.


I hope to God Almighty that George Floyd isfound alive and living the good life with his millions; orhis family get found out not to be his family. Seriously fuck this shit

Anonymous ID: 7c0e5a June 12, 2020, 4:09 p.m. No.9590945   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0963 >>1010 >>1134 >>1244

Los Angeles Retroactively Defunds LAPD Overtime


This might be the end times in my opinion, leaving LA without police is a recipe for a purge, when is someone going to do something


The city of Los Angeles is adding insult to injury to its treatment of police officers by retroactively defunding Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) overtime following days of #BlackLivesMatter protests and riots, according to an internal letter obtained by Breitbart News.


LAPD Chief Michel Moore said in the letter that the department’s overtime has surpassed $40 million in recent days, which “far exceeds any budgetary reserve to address unusual occurrences”:


Moore called the past several days “extraordinary” but didn’t specifically name the #BlackLivesMatter protests that have consumed LA for more than a week following the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody.


As a result, the LAPD said that starting retroactively as of June 7, overtime will be paid “in the form of time at the appropriate rate,” which it said will either be straight time or time-and-a-half.


That means instead of being paid the full overtime amount in cash, officers will now have to bank the difference that can be used as future time off or that will be paid upon retirement, two sources familiar with the situation told Breitbart News.


The LAPD is also cancelling all nonessential overtime across the board, with the exception of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.


LA city is allowed to make these overtime changes under its bargaining agreement, and has done so in the past when it has run out of cash. But the decision has nevertheless angered police personnel who have worked around the clock in recent days to ensure public safety during the #BlackLivesMatter protests and riots.


An LAPD officer told Breitbart News, “Guys and gals are beyond pissed…. many are actively looking to quit and go to another department. Some in, and some out of state.”


The overtime policy may shift again when the city begins its new fiscal year July 1. The LAPD’s financial outlook remains murky following Mayor Eric Garcetti’s (D) proposal to slash the department’s budget by as much as $150 million in response to calls by left-wing activists to defund police departments around the country.

Anonymous ID: 7c0e5a June 12, 2020, 4:11 p.m. No.9590962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1134 >>1244

EXCLUSIVE: Border Wall Construction Crew in Texas Says It Took Gunfire from Mexico


A border wall construction crew reported rounds fired at their position and at least one shot impacted their site Thursday morning in South Texas.


On Thursday, June 11 at 7:30 am local time, crews working along the U.S.-Mexico Border just west of the small community of Fronton were fired upon multiple times from Mexico, according to reports shared with law enforcement. Construction workers reported hearing the gunfire directed at their site and at least one round impacted the new border wall.


The crews dialed 911 for help. Border Patrol agents arrived on the scene shortly after and reported that they could then hear what was described as a shootout in Mexico. Border Patrol dispatched a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) helicopter to the area. By the time it arrived, all shooters apparently fled.


Across the river from Fronton, Texas, sits the small community of Los Guerra. In 2019, this area came into focus as shootouts routinely raged between the Cartel Del Noreste (CDN) faction of Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel for local turf. Historically, this area has been under Gulf control.


Recently, small gun battles have again erupted in the area.


Breitbart Texas recently published a video of CDN members patrolling with armored vehicles not far from today’s incident.


As new wall construction continues, the area between Penitas and Fronton, Texas, is becoming prime real estate for the cartels to work around border barriers. There are no current plans to construct a wall system in this 41-mile stretch.

Anonymous ID: 7c0e5a June 12, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.9590984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1134 >>1244

North Korea: U.N. Chief a U.S. ‘Stooge’ Pretending to Be Drunk


thats funny


North Korea’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs railed against United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Gutérres on Thursday for issuing a mild statement calling Pyongyang cutting off communications with South Korea regrettable, suggesting that Gutérres was pretending to be “drunk.”


North Korea’s communist government abruptly launched a barrage of hateful invective towards the South last week in response to the ongoing practice of North Korean refugees and human rights activists in the country sending humanitarian aid and leaflets with news of the outside world to the North. In the past, Pyongyang has responded to leaflet campaigns by dumping used toilet paper and other garbage into the South.

Anonymous ID: 7c0e5a June 12, 2020, 4:20 p.m. No.9591041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1075 >>1083 >>1089 >>1134 >>1244


God this is funny


See new Tweets



Greta Lee Jackson




Turns out the celebs behind the #ITakeResponsibility video got it a bit wrong and want to apologise.

Let’s hear them out….


Anon post the video here, shit I’m kekking so hard

Anonymous ID: 7c0e5a June 12, 2020, 4:31 p.m. No.9591146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1170 >>1174 >>1196 >>1200

Black Lives Don’t Matter if You Always Vote fir Democrats


The world is waking up and it ain’t gonna be pretty




Jun 11

Black lady screams at white liberals blocking the street


"You racist white liberals do this sht every f* four years. We’re tired of it…F you, you dumb btch. You’re not here for me. You’re here because you’re dumb as f***”


Anon please post video, this will make your night