Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 4:48 p.m. No.9591295   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1302 >>1354 >>1402 >>1428 >>1444 >>1540 >>1672 >>1841 >>1929 >>1975

“Whites Go to the Back!” – Seattle Black Lives Matter Force All Whites to Back of the March


Black Lives Matter held a protest march today in Seattle, Washington.


The rally organizers forced all whites to the back of the march.


And the rally organizers pushed whites to the back if they did not go willingly.

What a great organization!


From a reader:


I attended today’s Black Lives Matter march in Seattle, which started downtown before making its way to the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.


As an early supporter of BLM I was saddened and disheartened to see that the organizers were requiring all Whites to go to the back of the march, with protest leaders shouting, screaming and shoving, militantly ordering “Whites to the back!” Later, I was told this had been published in advance on their website and any surprise on my part was my own fault. Upon checking, this turned out to be factual.


I truly felt this is inconsistent with the message of diversity, inclusion and equity of BLM and an afront to civil rights pioneers like Rosa Parks.


Sincerely Yours,


Sure enough here is the order from the Black Lives Matter webpage.

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 4:50 p.m. No.9591319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1578 >>1672 >>1841 >>1929 >>1975

Colorado Bill Requires “Re-education” For Parents Who Refuse The Coronavirus Vaccine


Are you ready for re-education camps in the United States? Colorado has introduced a bill that would “re-educate” parents who refuse to vaccinate their child with the coronavirus vaccine.


The bill forces all doctors and medical staff to give vaccinations with no exemptions, even if they are in a situation where they believe it would not be in that child’s best interest. The bill’s current version, however, does not list any sanctions or punishments for medical staff that refuse, according to Life News.


The bill just passed through a committee in Colorado (20-14) to reduce available exemptions on vaccinations for school-age children (making vaccines mandatory). This bill offers “online education modules” for parents who want a different vaccination schedule than what the state demands. Submitting a “certificate of completion” from the re-education classes is one way to receive the state-sanctioned vaccine exemption.


This plandemic was never about health, it was about forcing everyone to get a vaccine: an injection of whatever the hell the ruling class decided to put in the vaccine.


These vaccines are not being required for the health of anyone unless it’s for the health of Big Pharma and the ruling class.


What happens if the “re-education” fails to convince a person to get the vaccines? It’s hard to say, but these types of concentration camps (and be honest with yourself, you know that’s what they are) should be condemned by anyone who wishes to be free. This is utterly insane. The limits the governments are now going to in order to force people to get vaccinated is unbelievable.


But, we knew this was coming. We knew that the coronavirus was a scam to force everyone to take the COVID (certification of vaccine ID) under Agenda 2020. Beware, this could very well be what more religious people are calling “the mark of the Beast”, and people commenting on this Colorado bill have already made it clear that “people won’t be able to go to work or school” unless they get the vaccine.


This is the new normal they are conditioning us to accept. This is why they need martial law. Your chains are about to get much shorter unless you wake up and start to extract yourself from their system. There isn’t much time left. The government is not going to help you out, after all, they are the ones writing the laws while they have the police and military enforce them at gunpoint. Wake up, or be enslaved.

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 4:53 p.m. No.9591345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1465 >>1672 >>1841 >>1929 >>1975

Officers Remain Inside ‘CHAZ’ Precinct, Seattle PD Confirms Plans To Move Back In


SEATTLE — The Seattle Police Department confirmed Friday to the Daily Caller that there are plans to re-take its East Precinct currently at the center of the “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone” (CHAZ) and that officers are currently in the building.


Some activists within CHAZ, a roughly six-block residential space that has been dubbed a cop free zone, said Thursday evening that officers had returned to the building and remained inside. A group of officers were allowed back to the area to assess the building Thursday.


“We do have officers in the precinct, “Mark Jamieson of the Seattle Police public affairs office confirmed to the Daily Caller.


Jamieson added that “there are plans to get [all] officers back into the precinct.” Currently, not all officers assigned to the East Precinct have returned. The police officers at the precinct “are assessing the building,” he said.


The East Precinct has been renamed “Seattle People Department” and “The Property of the People” by activists who have stressed that cops are not welcome at the now warded-off residential area.


Democratic Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan indicated Thursday that the Seattle Police Department was mapping out a plan to return to the precinct. Police Chief Carmen Best denied making the call for officers to abandon the precinct, saying Thursday that they are “still evaluating” how that decision was made.


“We were asked to do an operational plan in case we needed to leave,” Best said Thursday, ultimately saying that the city caved to protesters. “The decision was made. We’re still evaluating about how that change came about but it didn’t come from me.”


“You should know, leaving the precinct was not my decision,” Best added, according to Yahoo. “You fought for days to protect it. I asked you to stand on that line. Day in and day out, to be pelted with projectiles, to be screamed at, threatened and in some cases hurt. Then to have a change of course nearly two weeks in, it seems like an insult to you and our community.”


Best said that there have been increased calls and reports of “rapes, robberies, and all sorts of violent acts” in the area. Durkan called the situation an example of “patriotism,” adding that the people inside the zone are lawfully gathering and expressing free speech, USA Today reported.


Officers returning to the precinct Thursday were met with mixed reactions to members within the zone, Townhall’s Julio Rosas tweeted.

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 4:55 p.m. No.9591375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672 >>1841 >>1929 >>1975

FFS FF alert


Young black man found hanging from a tree in California – police say it was a suicide over the coronavirus


Many on social media are demanding surveillance video be released


Outrage ensued after police indicated that a young man black man found hanging from a tree in Palmdale, California, could have been a suicide caused by the coronavirus lockdowns.


The man was found with a rope around his neck hanging from a tree in the city's Poncitlan Square on Wednesday morning, according to the Antelope Valley Times.


Lt. Brandon Dean of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Homicide Bureau told the Times that all signs pointed to a suicide, but that they would await the results of an autopsy.


On Thursday, Palmdale City officials implied in a statement that the man could have killed himself over "extreme mental anguish" from the coronavirus crisis.


"City Manager J.J. Murphy received confirmation that this unfortunate incident was a death by suicide. Sadly, it is not the first such incident since the COVID-19 pandemic began," the statement read after offering condolences to the family of the deceased man.


The statement went on to offer resources for those suffering mental anguish.

Social media erupts


Many people on social media questioned whether the man could have been the victim of a racist lynching.


At least one account demanded that the city be burned down if surveillance video isn't released.


A petition was set up at demanding that the police investigate the matter fully and obtain any video that might have captured what happened the night of this death.


"We demand the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Palmdale Station and the City of Palmdale to conduct a full, thorough investigation into Robert's death. We demand security footage in Poncitlán Square to be presented and audio of the call placed when his body was found. We demand justice to be served for Robert and his loved ones," read the petition.

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.9591494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1541 >>1543

Trump officials to roll back LGBTQ protections


The Trump administration will scrap ObamaCare's nondiscrimination protections for sex and gender identity under a final rule released Friday.


In a statement, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said the government's interpretation of sex discrimination will be based on "the plain meaning of the word 'sex' as male or female and as determined by biology."


According to HHS, the new policy makes clear that "the substantive protections prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, and sex remain in effect."


The move was announced amid Pride Month but has been long-anticipated by religious providers, who argue the administration needs to reinforce their right not to provide treatment that is against their beliefs.


The administration has been working on the rule for well over a year.


Advocates and health groups said the policy will make it easier for doctors, hospitals and insurance companies to deny care or coverage to transgender and nonbinary patients, as well as women who have had abortions.


"HHS respects the dignity of every human being, and as we have shown in our response to the pandemic, we vigorously protect and enforce the civil rights of all to the fullest extent permitted by our laws as passed by Congress," said Roger Severino, director of the HHS Office for Civil Rights.


The administration has argued that removing the protections, based on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, is largely moot because a federal judge in Texas vacated much of the rule last year.


The Obama-era rule made it illegal for doctors, hospitals and other health care workers to deny care to someone whose sexual orientation or gender identity they disapproved of.


The Obama administration did this by expanding the health law's definition of sex discrimination to include gender identity for the first time, but those expansions were blocked by a federal judge in 2016. The Trump administration has worked to weaken the rules before they could take effect.


The Trump administration’s rule is wide-ranging and goes beyond the Obama-era protections by rolling back nondiscrimination protections contained in other health provisions as well. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the rule removes protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity in 10 existing regulations.


Advocates and Democratic lawmakers said the decision to move ahead with the rule while the country is still in the middle of a pandemic is especially cruel. The concern is that LGBTQ patients might not be able to access the care they need.


The COVID-19 pandemic has already impacted access to medical treatment, as almost all "nonessential" procedures were halted, people stopped going to the emergency room and even stopped giving their children needed vaccines.

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 5:07 p.m. No.9591501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672 >>1841 >>1929 >>1975

Finland renames ‘Negro Island’ amid global anti-racism protests


Despite lacking a history of colonialism or slavery, Finland has nonetheless decided to do its bit in the anti-racism drive gripping the Western world, by changing the “racist” name of a small island.


The landmass in the Pyhaselka Lake in eastern Finland bore the name Neekerisaari – which translates as “Negro Island.” It has been designated an “exceptional case” by the state-run Institute for the Language of Finland (Kotus) due to its “absolutely derogatory” name, as official maps must not contain “racist expressions.”


The name is now being removed from maps, and the island will be marked under by its older name, Seppanen.


Despite the unusual name, the island never had any connection to black people. For decades, it has been owned by the North Karelian Association of Journalists, which has a summer lake house there. The group’s chairman Taru Vaananen told YLE news channel that the island’s name derived from an old-fashioned term which translates as “journal negro” – a reference to journalists’ faces and hands often getting stained with dark printing ink.


The association had already legally re-registered the piece of land under the name Uutiset (News) and wanted the National Land Survey to use it on new maps. Ironically, it was Kotus that blocked the change last year, arguing that locals best knew the area as Neekerisaari.


A number of western countries have been gripped by anti-racism and anti-police brutality protests, triggered by the death of black civilian George Floyd in Minneapolis. In the US, the protests have been marred by widespread looting, arson and violence, while historical landmarks and monuments linked to colonialism and slavery have been targeted in several countries.

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 5:11 p.m. No.9591533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672 >>1841 >>1929 >>1975

Boris Says Churchill ‘Expressed Opinions Unacceptable to Us Today’


Boris Johnson insisted Winston Churchill’s statue should be a “permanent reminder” of his wartime achievements — even as it was hidden within a grey box — but added that the wartime leader did hold “unacceptable” opinions.


Prime Minister Johnson has been largely silent through the unlawful and frequently violent Black Lives Matter protests which have been taking place across the country in recent weeks, despite the coronavirus lockdown, but was forced to pipe up on Friday morning in response to growing disquiet over the vandalisation of historic monuments — particularly the Cenotaph and Churchill’s statue in Parliament Square.


“The statue of Winston Churchill in Parliament Square is a permanent reminder of his achievement in saving this country – and the whole of Europe – from a fascist and racist tyranny,” he declared in a social media thread, neatly side-stepping the fact that its confinement in a coffin-like grey box has already effectively erased it from public view.


He then immediately went on to make concessions to protesters who have been denouncing the wartime leader as a racist, however, saying: “Yes, he sometimes expressed opinions that were and are unacceptable to us today” — but adding that he was nevertheless a “hero” who deserves commemoration.

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 5:12 p.m. No.9591553   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Extinction Rebellion spray graffiti on Cambridge Uni building, demand removal of memorial to ‘racist’ academic (PHOTOS)


Climate change activist group Extinction Rebellion (XR) has targeted Cambridge University, spray-painting the wall and door of one college, in protest at the memorial window of “racist” statistician Ronald Fisher.


The youth wing of XR Cambridge took to Twitter on Friday morning to reveal that they had targeted the Gate of Honour at Gonville and Caius College the night before, to demand Fisher’s stained glass window be taken down.


The group, who describe themselves as “Antifa,” posted photos of the graffiti and of an individual busily trying to remove the paint on Friday morning.


Caius College were very eager to remove any suggestion that they're platforming a eugenicist and racist.

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 5:15 p.m. No.9591584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1629 >>1672 >>1841 >>1899 >>1929 >>1938 >>1975

Supreme Cartel Leader’s Rumored Death Puts Mexican Government on Edge


Mexican authorities are on high alert over possible outbursts of violence following the alleged death of the supreme leader of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG). The federal government remains mum about the matter.


Breitbart Texas obtained access to an internal government document alerting members of Mexico’s National Intelligence Commission to monitor for “movements or massive gatherings of armed or unarmed individuals.” Jalisco, Michoacán, Baja California, and others are of particular interest.


The alert follows the unconfirmed death of Nemesio “El Mencho” Cervantes Oseguera. The feared crime boss supposedly died of natural causes and renal failure. An official confirmation of death could have deep repercussions and risk a nationwide, violent splintering.


The CJNG is one of the most violent cartels and responsible for substantial amounts of bloodshed across the nation. The U.S. Department of Justice is offering a $10 million reward for information leading to El Mencho’s capture. The CJNG began as an offshoot of the Sinaloa Cartel and sought rapid expansion until it became a household name. The CJNG secured footholds in Baja California, Guanajuato, Michoacán, Veracruz, and more.


The cartel has drawn special interest from U.S. and Mexican intelligence agencies for their extreme violence and ability to recruit Colombian terrorists. The CJNG is linked to the regular use of IEDs and explosive drones.


In March 2019, U.S. Congressman Chip Roy called for CJNG and others to be designated as foreign terrorist organizations.

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 5:19 p.m. No.9591633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1672 >>1708 >>1841 >>1929 >>1975

AWKWARD! It Looks Like Rapper and Local Warlord ‘Taz from CHAZ’ is a HUGE Homophobe


As reported earlier the nation of CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) in what used to be Seattle was set up by antifa earlier this week.


CHAZ has its first self declared dictator/warlord. Seattle based rapper Raz Simone evidently deputized himself and his crew, and they are patrolling the streets, regulating any unauthorized activity in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.


They’ve already started assaulting people who are engaging in unauthorized activity:


Note that they even announce themselves as “the police of the community now.”

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 5:27 p.m. No.9591707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1737 >>1782 >>1832

Head of Naval Aviation Schools Command, Another Navy Pilot Killed in Plane Crash


Two naval aviators were killed this week when their civilian single-engine aircraft crashed in Alabama.


Capt. Vincent Segars, the head of Naval Aviation Schools Command, and Cmdr. Joshua Fuller died Wednesday when their Piper PA-32 crashed about 12 miles outside of Selma, said Cmdr. James Stockman, a spokesman for Naval Education and Training Command. Segars and Fuller were the only two aboard the plane, he added.


Fuller owned the aircraft, The Selma Times-Journal reported. The pair, according to the paper, were on their way from Jasper, Alabama, to Pensacola, Florida, where the officers were based. Jasper is about 300 miles north of Pensacola.


The pilots declared an emergency landing at about 4:40 p.m. Wednesday, Dallas County Coroner Alan Dailey told the Times-Journal. They were trying to land at a civilian airport that had been an old Air Force base that closed in the 1970s.


"A crop duster was up and spotted the plane," Dailey told the paper. "There was nothing that could be done."


Stockman declined to provide any additional details about the crash, citing an ongoing investigation being handled by the National Transportation Safety Board. The Navy is cooperating with the investigation, he added.


Segars and Fuller were decorated pilots with several decades of combined flight experience. Both served in Afghanistan, according to their service records.


Segars had served as commanding officer of Naval Aviation Schools Command at Pensacola since 2018. He'd flown more than 4,300 flight hours, and had been awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal, two Legions of Merit, a Bronze Star and five Air Medals – one for individual action and four for strike flights.


Baron Reinhold, a retired Navy pilot, wrote in a Facebook post that he was overcome with grief after learning of Segars' death.


"Everyone that knew Vince respected him," Reinhold wrote. "He was a man of conviction and lived with a sense of purpose. … I will live with a hole in my heart and mourn the loss of my friend and grieve with his family."


Fuller recently led the Pensacola-based Training Squadron 86 after serving as the unit's executive officer since 2017. Fuller oversaw about 60 instructors who trained Navy and Marine Corps international pilots.


He called the assignment the most rewarding tour of his career during his change of command ceremony.


"As I make my final approach toward the end of my career, I am honored to have helped shape the future of naval aviation, and that's something I will treasure," Fuller said. "The Navy's mission success depends on the exceptional men and women among its ranks, and there are none greater than the Sabrehawks I served alongside here."

Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 5:31 p.m. No.9591755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1765 >>1841 >>1929 >>1975

Miami Imam Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi Blames Christianity For Looting In America


In a Friday, June 5, 2020 sermon delivered at the North Miami Islamic Center, which is known also as Masjid As-Sunna An-Nabawiyya North Miami, Imam Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi said that he is saddened by Muslims who participate in Black Lives Matter protests because “every life matters.” He said that Christianity is the main problem in America and the West today since Christians believe that Jesus died for their sins and that as a result, they believe that they can commit crimes such as looting and repent for them later. He stated that the solution to America’s problems is Islam. Later in the sermon, Imam Kablawi said that according to Darwinism, the European race must “exterminate the savage race” of people with bigger lips and darker skin. The sermon, titled “This Is How We Should Look at the George Floyd Issue as Muslims,” was streamed live on the mosque’s Facebook page. Dr. Kablawi, who is a dentist and originally from Jordan, had written an article in Ghurabaa Islamic Magazine in 2010, saying that the Jews incurred the anger of God. In November 2019, Salman Rashid, who is affiliated with the North Miami Islamic Center, was arrested for plotting an ISIS attack against the deans of Broward College and Miami Dade College.


Imam Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi: “You look at Muslims going to support the cause of Black Lives Matter – every life matters! Every life matters. And it hurts when you see Muslims raising signs like that. Every life matters. If you are going to stand against injustice, you stand against injustice that could be committed against every individual.



Anonymous ID: 64d7d6 June 12, 2020, 5:34 p.m. No.9591784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1792 >>1818

CNN Hack Chris Cuomo Blames Trump For “Systemic Racism” in Economy While Using Data That Stops in 2016


CNN hack Chris “Fredo” Cuomo this week blamed President Trump for “systemic racism” in the US economy while using data that stopped in 2016.


Barack Obama was president in 2016.


Under President Trump, black and Hispanic unemployment have been at record lows.


Barack Obama did nothing for the black community the entire time he was in the White House.


Why doesn’t Fredo give his job to a black person?