>During the Ice age, which was about 10 to 30,000 years ago, give or take,
Hate to burst your bubble, anon, but the "ice age" is made up. All the "ice ages" were. Uniformitarians have no imagination, but needed a way to explain the "phenomena" of "erratic boulders" in a manner that wouldn't reference a catastrophic event. There solution was to create a fictional "ice age" period, which they never fully explained the mechanisms that caused the hypothetical "ice age", then stretched the timeline by tens of thousands, in a weak attempt to hold themselves accountable. Once the "theory" was proposed, they then pointed back to the "erratic boulders" as "supporting evidence" to boost their hypothesis, just enough to force children to learn a fictional version of reality. This was done with the specific intent to target primarily the religious families. Since children are presented two opposing ideologies, neither of which makes logical sense when observing the modern world.
If you look ate the Earth from satellite images, you can actually see enormous scars that were left from cosmic catastrophes of biblical proportions. Pretty scary, if you don't fully understand what happened and why. Amazing to think that Life prevailed and we are still here, to this very day. Although it's terrifying to imagine the Force responsible for the devastation which our ancestors endured, it's comforting to know that same Force is ultimately what kept us safe from complete annihilation.