fuck off, asshole. republi-KONS been doing it just as long. what part of "don't let them divide you"
fails to register in your tiny little partisan brain stem?
fuck off, asshole. republi-KONS been doing it just as long. what part of "don't let them divide you"
fails to register in your tiny little partisan brain stem?
you're both illiterate fuckwits. first, we are IN and ice age, so the "last" ice age is NOW. what you're referring to are the 15,000 minor cycles of glacial expanse and retreat that occur during the 2 million yr ice age. for 95% of earth's history, there were NO polar ice caps. NONE AT ALL. and biodiversity was FAR greater during those periods. and the fuckwit that posted the first reply needs to go back to the flatearth society with the rest of the bible literalist fucktards.