for some reason that makes me go to this:
if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy ; you watch ; this one's ambition is so great she would consider endorsing Trump and wedge her way back into relevancy ; you can't throw a concernbison under a bus without a major bump
new Tard Jail menu only has :
Chickens and related Eggs : Beef and related Milk : soy is banned …give all excess soy supplies to CHAZ so they can stay gay
signed : Tard Jail Cook
Look Skinny, here's the deal…there is no deal, you have to wear the mask when you come here and cannot baker until your temperate is taken
CHAZ Warlord
I don't need a period, man, …I'm a man. JK said so, OK,. Harry? Get a car.
Music swerve : Kansas : Masque : Icarus ….don't get too close to the sun
after CHAZ…..Pacific Height AZ ?: Portland AZ ? : where will they go next?
no wonder Trump went to Jax… Hey NC, democrats suck as governors….