• Starting in 2013, a few groups starting talking about Restoring the Republic and having mass arrests to achieve this, using the military, NESARA, global currency resent and such ideas. Many ideas began even before then.
• In 2016, “we” developed the embryonic ideas to take-down the Khabbalah, or cabal and began sharing these ideas. Prior to Trump being elected, we laid-out the plan to take-down the NWO and the banking cartel and with the help of much research and materials, found a way to do so without causing war.
• CICADA was doing their challenges and puzzles also during this time.
• Edward Snowden was publishing his material.
• In 2017, around March, CICADA published some material that is being used by current Q.
• From October to December, we began publishing the ideas of how to take-down the NWO on another board and we had Trump following us there and discussing the ideas with us, anonymously. He liked our ideas.
► This is when the Q character came-in on 8-chan, although various anonymous posters had been posting on 4-chan with some 20 different Ips.
► Enter Q around October of last year. By this time, we were already sharing our ideas with Trump on how to initiate our plan, the stages and how it would be accomplished. Trump liked our ideas and adopted them.
• Enter various phases of Q – 4 different boards, some 4 different trip codes….
This is how Q was formed, as a synthesis of all of this.
Continued next post..