Anonymous ID: 02f63d June 12, 2020, 10:28 p.m. No.9594434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4452 >>4468 >>4479 >>4565 >>4903

Dear Mr President,


I must confess, I am having second thoughts about getting rid of CHAZ.

You see, recently, as you sorely know, we Americans were accosted with the kinds of lies and b**sht needed by (((them))) to shut the country down, destroy every form of entertainment, wipe God off the map, and cheat in the elections. Bored silly, we have had nothing better to do than watch them prep for their election theft by throwing "mail in ballots" like litter, into every town gutter, to be harvested for votes by the laundry basket, then forged with the signatures of dead people by November 3rd?

Pity us, Mr. President……


We have not been to a football stadium in MONTHS.

No hockey, no baseball games, not even the church little league.

No concerts, no movies, …….. nada. Not even a dinner at a restaurant.

And Netflix sucks.

Depression was just setting in….


Then came the CHAZ reality internet show.


Mr President. For the first time in American history, we have our very own communist government with live commies, on it's own reservation begging for recognition by the UN.

Now just wait….

Consider the possibilities.

There are so many benefits.


Could we mebbe keep CHAZ for just a little while, while all the other entertainment is shut down by various fiefdom Demonrat governors?


I have not laughed so hard in so long. I am seriously out of tears. I am taking minerals to repair my cramping sides. I am out of underwear from peeing. I have never been so happy to wash my underwear and fold clothes while I am watching CHAZ commie reality internet.


You think we don't understand why you have not sent the military or national guard in to take back those "CHAZ" city blocks, but Mr. President, we know.



Anonymous ID: 02f63d June 12, 2020, 10:30 p.m. No.9594452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4903


We know our military is laughing too hard, and is too busy doing their OWN laundry because of it. Men and women just do not fight well when doubled over involuntarily. It is not their fault Mr President.

Besides, …ehm.

Q did say to "enjoy the show".


Could we order up some Lazy Boys for our outstanding Defense people, give them a break from endless wars? Could we suffer them the time to watch the funniest thing to happen in America in my 60 years of life?


You know how entertaining reality TV can be…. Mr President. You are THE reality TV star. In fact…. CHAZ is SO good, I am beginning to suspect it was YOUR idea!

(I know you can't admit that if it is true.)


Ok, ok, enough smoke, ok, yes sir…

I was thinking tho. Consider the following:


What if we kept CHAZ, ……. just for the summer, until other entertainment gets back into full swing.

We have been watching…. the whole world had been watching, as 2A hating Communist Chaz realizes they need "guns" to BE a police force to take on the warlords who would extort, or even kill them.

Even more entertaining this week, was watching the commies build a wall and become their very own ICE agents while they bitch about ICE and hate on the wall we need on the southern border.


It appears our commies are learning about the importance of the second amendment and borders. it is so fun to watch stupid commies figure out what things are more important than social justice.

You know…. things like where to shit, and what to eat, and how to get the food, and where to sleep, and who to call if bad things happen when there are no police. Commies have no common sense. Like Q said, sometimes you can not tell them. You have to show them?

Just yesterday, I was thinking about how Communism is such a lousy governing system, that it simply can not survive without leaching off of some free nation with a real economy somewhere for their necessities. Then this…



Anonymous ID: 02f63d June 12, 2020, 10:32 p.m. No.9594468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4478 >>4483 >>4499 >>4519 >>4572 >>4703 >>4724 >>4753 >>4903



It appears this week that our little guest communist country finally figured out you need sufficient sewers and bathrooms. They had to beg for porta poddies from their host free nation with a real economy that manufactures such things. The governor running the Seattle fiefdom felt "obliged" to send the porta poddies. Thank God for it, Mr President, or, the whole place would have gone the way of Frisco.


They also figured out food is more important than social justice. So they put out a list of demands (like commies are always doing) for specific "donations" like "beyond meat" veggie diet stuff. They insisted we not forget the pomegranate juice.

I about died.

Yes, mr president, they are spoiled brats that think the free world owes them everything they need to survive so they can keep complaining about social justice without working…. I know…but…

Mr. President, please understand, and forgive us, we had to donate to keep the party alive.


I realize all this donating is eventually going to be expensive, so I was thinking mebbe we do a trade deal?


How about… We the people in MAGA land, will continue to send food if they let us build their border wall for them…

…out of high Plexiglas.

…. and we can call it "The CHAZ", sell tickets to Americans who want to go on tour around the perimeter, to watch the commies attempt to run the most failed form of government in the history of man, for entertainment?

We can buy commie food with the tour ticket admission money and throw their food over the glass. It will be just like feeding animals at a zoo.

Today was one of the most entertaining days, Mr. President….



Anonymous ID: 02f63d June 12, 2020, 10:33 p.m. No.9594479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4903



Communists are famous for hating people who own land, and farmers are their favorite first targets when they go on their murder sprees?

(Witness this happening in South Africa right now).

You see, communists are so stupid, they think farming means you dig a hole and put a plant in the ground, and it will grow. They have no idea the weeds will choke the food in a heartbeat. They know nothing of soil pH, soil types, soil amendments, seasons, weather conditions. Commies always starve to death after they kill off their farmers, and they never learn from history.


Today, CHAZ learned…. mebbe they need a garden. (Pic one related). Mr president, please. I farm. It was too much for me. I took my computer into the bathroom.


The commies have a park. They knew it was green. Green grows on dirt, right? Simple. Right? So, they demanded plants.

Some farmer, to whom I am eternally grateful, sent plants. (Pics related)


C'mon Mr President.

Just think about the fodder for Trump Rally speeches….


OH!!! And after you win the next election, instead of getting tickets for flights to Canada or CHINA, for all the rest of the malcontent commies that go REEEEEEEEE!!!!! and threaten to leave MAGA land?…. we can just send them to CHAZ!!!!


Please Mr. President, I am begging you….

Anonymous ID: 02f63d June 12, 2020, 10:45 p.m. No.9594576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4583 >>4597 >>4675 >>4677 >>4684 >>4706 >>4724


Thought of it, but, then I got a look at their garden?

They have grass in a park. They put cardboard on the grass. Out of sight … no longer exists?

Then, they had no soil.

Huh. That is a problem.

They order a dump load of soil, put it on the cardboard, and plant the plants in the soil.


Now you realize it is true there what is said in that twitter account. They are literally waiting there at the garden perimeter, for the tomatoes to appear.

Anonymous ID: 02f63d June 12, 2020, 10:50 p.m. No.9594616   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I forgot. Washington. The party will get rained out. I am going to be so bummed. I was really hoping for some summer entertainment. the Plexiglass idea could make bucks…you know. XD