Dear Mr President,
I must confess, I am having second thoughts about getting rid of CHAZ.
You see, recently, as you sorely know, we Americans were accosted with the kinds of lies and b**sht needed by (((them))) to shut the country down, destroy every form of entertainment, wipe God off the map, and cheat in the elections. Bored silly, we have had nothing better to do than watch them prep for their election theft by throwing "mail in ballots" like litter, into every town gutter, to be harvested for votes by the laundry basket, then forged with the signatures of dead people by November 3rd?
Pity us, Mr. President……
We have not been to a football stadium in MONTHS.
No hockey, no baseball games, not even the church little league.
No concerts, no movies, …….. nada. Not even a dinner at a restaurant.
And Netflix sucks.
Depression was just setting in….
Then came the CHAZ reality internet show.
Mr President. For the first time in American history, we have our very own communist government with live commies, on it's own reservation begging for recognition by the UN.
Now just wait….
Consider the possibilities.
There are so many benefits.
Could we mebbe keep CHAZ for just a little while, while all the other entertainment is shut down by various fiefdom Demonrat governors?
I have not laughed so hard in so long. I am seriously out of tears. I am taking minerals to repair my cramping sides. I am out of underwear from peeing. I have never been so happy to wash my underwear and fold clothes while I am watching CHAZ commie reality internet.
You think we don't understand why you have not sent the military or national guard in to take back those "CHAZ" city blocks, but Mr. President, we know.