>>9594199 pb
Democrats acting like really really crazy people is going to make people who don't like Trump vote for Trump.
Seriously, how many GOP are there in Seattle? How many people in Seattle actually like the fact that the mayor is actually allowing a section of the city to become lawless?
There aren't going to be many people in Seattle who say "well, I like Trump, but rapes are up, and there was a big shortage of rapes, so, I'm going with the Dems this year, because I'm hopeful that Biden will increase the number of lawless rape towns."
It's not like this is actually anarchy, either. We can't legally kill Soros or Gates or whoever is pissing us off at the moment. Those things remain illegal. There's just a mind boggling lack of law enforcement in a handful of cities. And most people - even a lot of Democrats - don't like that lawlessness - especially when it's not anarchy, it's just government not doing their job.