careful, you're demonstrating the dangerous capacity for critical thought. someone may notice.
careful, you're demonstrating the dangerous capacity for critical thought. someone may notice.
just send a tweet to one of them telling them that human pee is the perfect natural organic fertilizer.
NO, that is NOT "conventional science." tha't the shit that is commonly repeated in the MSM. ffs, even wikipedia gets it right. get a TEXTBOOK on paleoclimatology, or get a few of them, just make sure they were written before 1985, when REAL science was hijacked by the global warming hoax.
dude (or dudette), that movie wasn't about the future, it was about NOW. it wasn't a prediction, it was an exposé.
dontcha hafta be able to breathe in order to say, "i can't breathe?" where are you when we need you, mr. obvious?
whattsamatta, speech policePERSON? touch a nerve, did i? triggered much? maybe yawanna establish an 8KAZ?
first you call me genderfag, and then you say "it's anon around here. nothing more nothing less." ever heard of IRONY?
self-contradictfag much?