Anonymous ID: 0b115b June 13, 2020, 3:19 a.m. No.9596076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6096






You know, if I was naive, (You)'d get away with this circle flame.


One PEBKAC, a 3x3:4x4 VESA array, a citrix cluster with rotating CMOS to constantly obfuscate.


Now, we need to learn about, Event Listeners!


Basically what an event listener does is place "Krux Fire pixels," which are little digital sensors/triggers all along the area of the two dimensional division of a webpage. This allows anyone with access credentials to observe, analyze, and ultimately capture that website while being consumed, live, from a remote location. This is normally utilized by marketing research campaigns in order to determine how a webpage's layout affects its performance and ultimately its profitability. Another example of this is F-shaped, cursor heat maps, where they collect thousands of points at the first place where the user clicks at the precise moments after initially visiting a specifically intended webpage .


This can be done via server-side scripting or in another configuration, it be used like a client/server combo utilizing some really special and unique software infamously known as 'weinre.' as in Anthony


>weinre is WEb INspector REmote. Pronounced like the word "winery". Or maybe like the word "weiner". Who knows, really.


>weinre is a debugger for web pages, like FireBug (for FireFox) and Web Inspector (for WebKit-based browsers), except it's designed to work remotely, and in particular, to allow you debug web pages on a mobile device such as a phone.


Now, try to imagine, this isn't just some geeky developer tool , but is actually implemented everywhere Web 2.0 is and newer! Do you realize the magnitude of what I am disclosing here? The internet is not only alive in and of itself, but it is also remotely being observed and MODIFIED from an unseen, daemon, whom solely dwells in the sub-cyberspaces, collecting every single solitary interaction with any webpage/website on the entirety of the clearnets, dark nets, deep webs, private intranets with VPN tunnels, anything that uses a derivative of http (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)


Now, when Q says, "We have EVERYTHING!"

You better fucking know they do now!

Bye bye, daemonic buck-shot pulls.


We quite literally have you desecrating your dining room table's satin napkins, while drawing your latest map, in your daughter's tutu on some really niche version of Chaturbate for at best creepy lemons, and at worst, [GS].


Now, throw in AI:ML (Artificial Intelligence:Machine Learning) which drastically improves collect rates ad throughput, optimizing analyzation times, which in turn allows you to narrow down direct market strategies tailored to finely honed psychological exploitations, similar to the bells & whistles of a Las Vegas slot machine, and it's Technicolor allure.


Now, I will allow you to jus silently reflect on what you've just learned.


Read it a few times over if you have to, because once it clicks in... BOOM.