UN And Strong Cities Network Is The Goal
Loretta Lynch and Sasha Havlicek before New York City Mayor and devout Marxist, Comrade de Blasio, explains how the new Strong Cities Network will be “unlike anything else we’ve ever seen before".
What is Happening to America ? (2016-2017)
Overseas: In recent months Soros created a global problem (which he admitted to), when he chose to help finance the refugee migration into Western Europe. His rationale for destabilizing Europe was the hope of eliminating national borders. Why? That would be one step closer to one world government.
Domestically: Soros has continued to fund radical far-left groups fueled by anti-law enforcement rhetoric (just like his movement in Ukraine was), and according to a recent Rasmussen poll, U.S. race relations are at an all time low. That is evidenced by the shootings in Baton Rouge of both multiple police officers and civilians, a radical far-left sniper that shot and killed 5 police officers in Dallas, 2 officers shot and killed outside a courthouse in Michigan, shootings in Minneapolis, Kansas City, and still more…
Operation Gladio, explains how George Soros has been funding various radical groups like Democracy Spring and Black Lives Matter around the U.S. that are being used as pawns for the purpose of destabilizing the United States. It has been well established in recent weeks that the United Nations has a strong presence here in the U.S. right now, and they’re here for a reason. Whether it’s election chaos caused by Soros funded groups, racial tensions that eventually boil over, or perhaps economic collapse, it’s clear the U.N. is ready to react if called upon.
Finally, regardless of what the final catalyst turns out to be, once the situation in America finally devolves into chaos, expect the mainstream media to assist the globalists by bombarding citizens with non-stop talk about how a “socially just” and politically correct “global solution” is required. Count on the “solution” having two distinct characteristics:
Whatever it is will NOT have prevented the initial “problem”; AND
Whatever “solution” is implemented will strip constitutional rights from U.S. citizens, and transfer that power to the political elite, further transforming a once free country into a militarized police state.