EXPOSED: The BBC working with Bill Gates
Pneumonia Vaccine Shown to Actually Increase Bacterial Infections It Is Supposed to Prevent
Each dose of Prevnar vaccine contains aluminum as an adjuvant, which is used to provoke a strong immune response but is also a known neurotoxin.vii
Now itโs being suggested that widespread use of the Prevnar vaccine is leading to other unforeseen consequences, like increases in bacterial infections and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant supergerms. Other vaccines also have produced serious, unintended adverse effects, such as the chicken pox vaccine, which can increase the risk of adult shingles.
Itโs so important to understand that your best defense against any disease is a robust healthy immune system. Vaccines can actually compromise your immune function, and this is true regardless of your age. Two of the most important factors influencing the health of your immune system are:
Your gut flora
Your vitamin D status
CATASTROPHE: 20% of Human Test Subjects Severely Injured from Gates-Fauci Coronavirus Vaccine by Moderna
President Trump