Anonymous ID: 30f6fc June 13, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.9598033   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good article.

“There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.”

So wrote Vladimir Lenin. The Communist Revolution which he engineered did seem to pack many decades of change into a relatively short time. The old tsarist order was quickly overthrown, and, almost overnight, Russia was transformed from a Christian country to an officially atheist state.


Should the party of the liberal-left come to power, the changes we can expect will be almost as sweeping and as swift as those that followed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. That’s not an unreasonable prediction. The liberal-leftists of today share many of the same ideological, political, and economic views as the Leninists.


The leftists in our midst are a dangerous lot. Witness the role that various leftist groups such as Antifa are playing in organizing and encouraging violent riots in dozens of American cities. But even if the worst fears about leftists in power don’t materialize, another danger is close at hand. Even if America’s progressive socialists turn out to be as mild as the Swedish variety, they will—as the ever naïve Swedes have already done—pave the way for an even more dangerous and oppressive ideology—namely, Islam.


For their part, radical Muslims tend to see leftists as useful idiots. They are willing to play the oppressed victim role that leftists have assigned to them if it will further their own interests.


Extremist views of the Islamic variety are no bar to moving up the ladder in liberal social and political circles. Take Keith Ellison, for example. He embodies both the extremes of liberalism and the extremes of Islamism. Yet this didn’t prevent him from being elected several times to the House of Representatives, and after that to be named the Deputy Director of the Democratic National Committee.


Because our society is already flush with leftists in media, in politics, in academia, and in the streets, we are closer than most think to one of those tipping points in history where accepted norms are suddenly swept away.


And the left doesn’t stand alone. Islamic cultural jihadists are also interested in encouraging radical social change. It’s not exactly the same change that the left wants, but for the time being the two groups are willing to reinforce each other.