Anonymous ID: 50fc87 June 13, 2020, 8:35 a.m. No.9597826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7906

Adam Ziemkowski


Urgent Solidarity Needed for U.S. Socialist Arrested in Bolivia!

BySocialist Alternative -

June 7, 2007

Following attacks on left-wing activists by right-wing thugs working in collaboration with the right-wing Prefectura in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Socialist Alternative member Adam Ziemkowski has been arrested by the local police. Adam is charged with ‘sedition and incitement to violence’. Adam, a U.S. citizen, is in Bolivia on an international scholarship studying marginalised and oppressed groups. Bolivian members of the Committee for a Workers’ International have also been threatened by right-wing thugs and in one case threatened with rape. A solidarity campaign is being built in Cochabamba along with a campaign against violence and repression by the right-wing.

Socialist Alternative appeals to all workers’ and youth internationally to rush protest letters to the Bolivian Ambassador to the U.S. and Prefectura in Cochabamba demanding that the charges against Adam Ziemkowski be dropped.


Ted Virdone


Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), for instance, has nearly tripled its membership since November, making it now the largest socialist organization in the country — not to be confused with the International Socialist Organization, which, according to the Seattle chapter’s website, is the country’s “largest revolutionary organization” (emphasis ours). The two groups have an active and engaged Seattle base, and yes, Seattle DSA membership “has exploded over the past year,” says local DSA member Andrej Markovčič. “Like locals all over the country, we’re seeing an incredible enthusiasm for socialist politics.”


Socialist Alternative (SA) — the party that helped elect socialist Councilmember Kshama Sawant in 2013 — has also seen its ranks swell. “People’s interest in getting involved in mass movements in general, and socialism in particular, really has increased since 2011,” says Ted Virdone, an SA member for the past 18 years and a staffer in Sawant’s office. “The start of the Occupy Movement was a real turning point there,” followed by “a huge acceleration since this election.”

Anonymous ID: 50fc87 June 13, 2020, 8:43 a.m. No.9597906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nick Jones


Seattle People’s Budget: Fighting for the City We Need

ByNick Jones -

November 6, 2018

There is a serious need to a political alternative to the parties of big business. While the Republicans and Trump are carrying out the most vicious attacks on working people nationally, it is the Democrats who control Seattle as well as the “Blue Wall” of the whole West Coast. Yet we see this austerity budget from Seattle’s Mayor, as well as a total lack of political will to fight for rent control and taxes on the super wealthy. We need an alliance of progressives and socialists who will fight for the City We Need, against the bullying of corporate behemoths like Amazon, and to elect independent left candidates in 2019 to replace the corporate establishment on the Council. And we need a new party for working people, completely independent of corporate money and that fights unambiguously for our needs.


Seattle Convention a Huge Success

ByNick Jones -

February 19, 2016


The stillness of the University of Washington campus was broken on Saturday, February 13 by excited Socialist activists gathering from all across the Pacific Northwest. Discussion about the need for a revolution against the Billionaire class rang in the halls at the largest and most dynamic Seattle Convention of Socialist Alternative to date; over 100 members packed into a UW classroom for the day-long convention.

Domestic perspectives focused on emerging struggles including the contract negotiations of the Chicago Teachers Union, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the increasing enthusiasm around Bernie Sanders.


Jonathan Rosenblum


Sasha Somer


Almost every top elected Democratic politician in the state – Governor Jay Inslee, Senators Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell, every Democratic Congressmember, and King County Executive Dow Constantine – endorsed Hillary Clinton, the former WalMart board member and Wall Street funded candidate.

Elected officials weren’t the only ones shown to be out of touch. Voters also ended up being well to the left of the Stranger Election Control Board, which endorsed both Clinton and Sanders.

Regardless of one’s views about Sanders and Clinton, this much is clear: the state’s overwhelmingly pro-Clinton Democratic establishment is at political odds with a large majority Democratic voters who support Sanders call for a political revolution against the billionaire class.

Ironically, one of the strongest voices in support for Sanders was Seattle’s Socialist City Councilmember, Kshama Sawant, despite her being an outspoken critic of the Democratic Party for being bought off by big business.

In addition to Sawant, there were a few elected Democrats in Washington who stood with the majority of Democratic voters who support Sanders, such as State Senators Pramila Jayapal and Bob Hasegawa, along with State Representative Luis Moscoso.

Anonymous ID: 50fc87 June 13, 2020, 9:37 a.m. No.9598229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8242


QAnon is a conspiracy theory that didn’t exist until a few years ago. It’s actually a webbed network of conspiracy theories that, at its most basic, alleges there is a secret group of elites working to get President Trump out of office. There are allegations of pedophilia mixed in there, too.

So what’s up with two congressional candidates who have embraced this relatively new conspiracy theory winning their primaries in 2020? One even has a good shot of going to Congress.

In May, Jo Rae Perkins won a Republican Senate primary in Oregon after saying she supports the conspiracy theory. And on Tuesday, Marjorie Taylor Greene made it to an August runoff in a competitive Republican congressional primary in northwest Georgia. Greene is now a pretty sure bet to make it to Congress: She beat her runoff opponent by 20 points in the primary, and the district is a safe Republican one.

Outside her QAnon affiliation, Greene fits the profile of a competitive Republican candidate. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution described Greene, who owns a construction company and relocated to the district to run, as a prominent candidate. She said she has the endorsement of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), a prominent conservative in Congress. And she received donations from a political group associated with another prominent conservative, Mark Meadows, who is now Trump’s chief of staff.