All guests on Hannity need to have a remote for shock collar on that self righteous piece of shit so they can shut him the fuck up when they are answering his questions. I've never seen anybody overtalk people the way he does. Can't stand it.
I've never watched Fox News. FINALLY convinced the wife to dump cable about 3 years ago, got an antenna now that works just fine. I do Radio and have a bunch of pages I look at every day for my news (one of which is this one). Hannity is on my local radio station from noon to 3:00 and He is pretty bad there too. Fucker thinks what he has to say is more important than Congressmen and Senators. Nunes comes on and 5 minutes of the 5:30 seconds he is on is Hannity's lips a flapping. I like Tucker. Wish he would do radio.