I truly had no idea that the people of Seattle were such worthless pieces of shit! They are actually allowing a braindead demonrat mayor and a totally out of it, completely mental, demonrat governor, both willing to allow their city and state to become the laughingstock of the world.
The whole thing should have ended the night it started! Turn off the electricity to the entire area…turn off the water supply…block all cell towers in the area. If the - now completely demonstrable - useless citizens of Seattle whine and cry, just tell them this is what they wanted…a female mayor who allows rapes, armed robbery, extortion, open racism against white people, vandalism, destruction and a governor with the intellectual capacity of a cup of Starbucks cheapest blend.
Wonder how much the 'mayor' or Seattle and the 'governor' of Washington State get as kickbacks from the BurnLootMurder money laundering arm of the demonrat party? bernie got more than 180 million from BurnLootMurder, biden got well over a hundred mill…even turds like pete booty-whatever got over 30 mill…and they are getting rich from the idiotic virtue signaling socialists 'donating' to BurnLootMurder, knowing it will all go to the demonrat scum while the clueless socialist mind-slaves think they are giving their money to help 'black' Americans…what moronials!
We really should pray for all those trapped in the absolute hell-holes that are demonrat-scum-run cities and states…they are truly fckd and need out prayers that their suffering will end before their lives do!