McCain’s first “secret” Syria visit took place on May 27, 2013. The Ghouta, Syria chemical attack occurred on 21 August 2013.
According to AP, McCain crossed the border near Kilis, Turkey, and spent two hours meeting with ‘rebel leaders’ near Idlib, Syria. The article further states that McCain made the trip in order to demand “aggressive military action in the 2-year-old Syrian civil war, calling for the establishment of a no-fly zone and arming the rebels”.
Presidential Spokesman Jay Carney said “the White House was aware in advance of McCain’s plans to travel to Syria. Carney declined to say whether McCain was carrying any message from the administration, but he said White House officials looked forward to hearing about his trip”.
ohn McCain was also in Libya right before it was bombed to oblivion by the Obama Administration and NATO forces.
McCain was in Ukraine during the Maidan, instigating the overthrow of a legitimately elected and established government in collusion with neo-nazi forces.
McCain made a secret trip in 2013 to Idlib, Syria…months later the Ghouta chemical weapons false flag.
McCain made a secret trip to Syria in February 2017…chemical weapons attack in Idlib a month later.