He is still wearing the clothes he was buried in…..wtf
Well shit….now I feel bad
LOL…please be true
So Sebastian Gorka just scoped a really emotional speech about Trump and his intentions….emphasized Trump's distaste for war and that it would be accomplished in other ways
https:// twitter.com/SebGorka/status/983147522360147968
I actually had not even realized that until you said so….I swear there is so much info in my head right now its spinning
I read something on twitter that it is the same airbase that they bombed months ago
Something about drones flying from there over Israel
Comfortably Smug is one of the best follows on twat
I know a few Syrians…they were very happy under Assad
Said he treated Christians with the same respect as Muslims….dont know if its true, but thats some people's account