Hussein is fucked. Keep up your wishful thinking.
Kek, Hussein IS fucked. Thanks for playing nigger.
You dumb faggot. You do t even know where you’re shilling at. FFS, you are worthless.
Thought you just told me I was insane for say he’s fucked but you post this. You’re beyond stoopid. IP hop and start over you dumbass.
POTUS doesn’t wear shoes made for the restaurant business, he wears high end dress shoes. They’re extremely slippery and have absolutely zero traction.
That’s why you’re here for this larp, correct? That POS traveled the world ahead of POTUS trying to save his ass, he’s fucked. You are too. GFY faggot. You’re a low level sharia blue blue nigger trying your best, which sucks. Here, have some … …. …. …. Glownigger.
Absolutely. Used to wear them as well, I’m sure mine weren’t quite as expensive as his, but leather soles are a PIA.
Sounds like you’re a fucking idiot that doesn’t own a pair of shoes.
Sorry fucker, we already won. Enjoy the show. Trump is POTUS, get fucked.
Thanks caps faggot. Are you the lowest ranking shill?
You don’t live in America. GFY.
Nope. He did not campaign on that. He made a statement at a debate and his nomination speech.
Irony, look above.
Sharia blue bullshit.