This is Barrak Obama.
He will get away with all his crimes.
He will walk scott free.
Barrak Obama is untouchable.
There is no justice.
This is Barrak Obama.
He will get away with all his crimes.
He will walk scott free.
Barrak Obama is untouchable.
There is no justice.
Sadam was keeping the middle east balanced of course they killed him quick.
He had the dirt on the UN, Bush and others.
The same can be said about kadafi.
Rebulicans bring knives to gun fights, there like some SnM faggot that loves being punished.
Our country is burnish and being taken over and all we do here is post, watch movies,and eat popcorn.
Just wait until DS drops the nuke.
We will have more rights taken, the country will still burn, and we can do nothing about it.
American is upside down.
Whites are soon to loose jobs BC they are white, statues and history is being rewritten.
We are being led down a rabbit hole of nothing.
Men hate truth.
Men hate righteousness.
Men love darkness rather than light.
Force must be used against these types of people or we lose everything.