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Since Anjuna led us to digz, how aboutMomentum…
Agencies large and small from all three government branches, including the intelligence and defense communities, use Momentum to realize financial, budget formulation and acquisition efficiencies benefiting tens of thousands of users. With zero expensive customizations or software extensions, Momentum is a transparent, accountable and proven solution that comes out-of-the-box ready to strengthen your agency’s ability to maximize taxpayer dollars and bolster its diverse business processes.
Proven success: Momentum is a proven financial, acquisition, and budgeting solution that is trusted by more than 100 federal agencies, includingover 50% of the intelligence community.
why does missing $21T come to mind? maybe nothing, thinking out loud
>actually, this kind of fits with Q+ at West Point
Momentum® Acquisitions
The proven solution to modernize
acquisitions across the DoD
With the mandate to sunset the Department of
Defense’s Standard Procurement System (SPS),
defense agencies have the opportunity to transform their acquisitions systems. CGI’s Momentum® Acquisitions is uniquely qualified to provide DoD with a proven, end-to-end contract writing and acquisitions management
system that has been successfully implemented across all branches of the federal government.