Monday's headline, the TRUE NEWS CYCLE:
'Did mossad and israel fake the chemical attack on syria and launched airstrikes?"
WW3 blame falls SQUARELY on the (((clown))) shoulders.
Monday's headline, the TRUE NEWS CYCLE:
'Did mossad and israel fake the chemical attack on syria and launched airstrikes?"
WW3 blame falls SQUARELY on the (((clown))) shoulders.
>go israel
>we just false flagged you all for ww3, we are your best friend goyim
>we bourght mudlimes into the west in the first place, we know better. goyim.
FUCK ALL (((sandnigger/kike shills))).
(((shill)))/MSM propaganda going on overdrive.
FALSE FLAG by israel to derail from pedogate/loretta lynch fake interview in FULL SWING.
FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pic related.
>bibi on the hook for corruption charges.
>convenient hardliner false flag op in syria combined with trump proclamations.
>these people are STUPID.
>maxine stupid.
Spread the truth, good anon. Keep an eye on ((shills)), and don't forget, the ENTIRE false flag is just that - DISTRACTION.
Epstein island.
child trafficking.
sex crimes and abuses by the (((elite)))
((cabal)) puppets are running for cover.
>They are TERRIFIED.
Do NOT let them change the news cycle.
(((they))) will FALL.
Make it RAIN.
ALL mudslime groups and mosques in america and west are infiltrator/subversive groups.
(((they))) must ALL be EXTERMINATED, along with expulsion and outright neutralizing (((jewish))) subversives who HATE and want to DESTROY the West.
pics related.
>these people are STUPID.
bib thought this would take the heat off of his corruption investigation too.
>maxine stupid.
Correct. (((israel))) and (((shills))) will PAY for this act of false flag - under the WATCH of WORLD WIDE PUBLIC - with their NATION.
New news cycle come monday:
'Did mossad and israel fake the chemical attack on syria and launched airstrikes?"
WW3 blame falls SQUARELY on the (((clown))) shoulders.