Anonymous ID: 75179a June 14, 2020, 3:40 a.m. No.9609350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9608441 (LB) Notables

>Supreme Court Rules 5-4 That States Can Charge Illegal Immigrants For I.D. Theft




What rationale justifies a no vote?


Let's see. Steal your ID, Defund police, tear off chunks of your neighborhood to make my own country, destroy anything that may indicate that people more intelligent than me may have benefited mankind in general, and so on. Too many to list. My head is starting to hurt. Pretty clear what's coming down the pike if you elect Biden/dems.


Looks like we're heading for a Déjà vu of the late 60's all over again, except this time the ending will be different. Instead of putting up with the hippie fucks because of an appeal to the normal person's higher ideals, we get to hard hat their pasty ass without a police force or court system that punishes us for it. Just to see if it turns out better this time.


Kind of rooting for the Hell's Angels Mongols in the season opener. Who needs sportsball?

Anonymous ID: 75179a June 14, 2020, 4:11 a.m. No.9609498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I have compassion in my heart to help these people wake up and live their lives free of the globalist system of control and abuse


That's what happened last time. Late 60's. Didn't work out too great. if you ask me.


I think it's better to let it run it's natural course. No excuses for behavior. It will stop when Trump has control of the entire government and court system. Same dynamic in play now as when Nixon was elected in 68 and reelected in a massive landslide in 72. Nixon was stopped and Carter came in and amnestied the draft dodgers. Real men walked away from the dems at that point. (My take is, that's the basis of the war on men). Appeal to higher ideals doesn't work, IMO, considering the course of events since the 60's.

Anonymous ID: 75179a June 14, 2020, 4:36 a.m. No.9609633   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Must be it's something that can't be brought out piecemeal. All or nothing and a lot of people/countries will look bad.


So you may have some countries with new leaders who would suffer even though they weren't themselves involved, or some are cooperating for leniency/clemency.


If Clinton is involved, she has to be reckoned with wrt to the danger of revelations and its effect on other parties/countries. They, for example, may trust Trump to hold up his part of a leniency/clemency deal, but they don't think Clinton will.


Clinton most likely has a copy of everything on the laptop, since she was the original data holder.


Trump, therefore, has to show he can keep Clinton at bay.