Anonymous ID: a1909a June 14, 2020, 4:12 a.m. No.9609508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


what is the delay:

(1) the maintaining of the rule of law

(2) the prevention of vigilantism

(3) the capture of all the deep state operators in a way that gives the least harm to othes

(4) the maintenance of our traditions without having to resort to a transitional military controll for a while.

(5) prevent violence and bloodshed

those are some of the reason.

Anonymous ID: a1909a June 14, 2020, 4:21 a.m. No.9609563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9566 >>9594

Mr AG did his pod cast thing.

and ll last week he spurged his other video her, proving things, so he imagines.

wht else?

well he said . . . he understands the protestors and . . . that they have a right to whatever they feel like to 'throw off the government'


is this just fuzzy thinking of someone of a spurge of ranting?

That is possible. He also admitted to a lot of 'ciadica' pain he 'he's not going to lie' that he tried a lot of things to get rid of it including pain pills.


that explains his mood swing.


all in all I think he's got a message that is a bit uncool, he seems to forget that 'change' doesn't have to involve 'whaever anyone want to do'.

and that he , cause I think he wants to be a good guy, should learn about psychology and rethoric and realize that when he speaks, his word goes out. And 'anything' needs to be 'within the morality of well known ethics and laws that still hold valid'.


in otherwords: riots, violence, looting must be condemned. His giggle 'anything' doesn't cut it.

and he might need to answer some day to all his constant threats.


after he admitted that it WAS him all last week, and me saying all week 'it can't be him', after that I want to apologize to all here for suggesting that it was shill pretending to be him. No, he admits that it was him.


so his admission about 'pain-pills' shows how he is being controlled, is my guess.


Anjel, you need to remember that you do have a force of 'word' so keep your word to suggestions within the law that you know is real, and will not change through some transition to something new.

you must make clear: no riots. no violence uncalled , only self defense with as little violence as necessary.


you are making meally mouth moral failure kinds of statements that show that you don't think things through.

you point of view is a car-wreck.

morally you are basically a good guy, but you let your anger rule you (you admit it) and you don't trust the power of your own word (hence the spamming of the same thing over and over).


Anjel, I will continue to monitor your bullshit.

I like you.

I do not like some (just some) of what you say.

I think you may end up in detention for what you say about our god-send of a president.


my suggestion: learn history and grow up.

Anonymous ID: a1909a June 14, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.9609581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9592


well the other thing is that he should rewatch the Kappy video and appy it to himself.


you didn't even read the post, so embarrassing,


PS: i love people and try to mentor people who are very confused.

Anjel is a confused person who says dangerous things and I will not stop talking about it.

Anonymous ID: a1909a June 14, 2020, 4:29 a.m. No.9609596   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9611


any source that ignores the statistic about what kind of people these people really are is bogus.

they never ask 'is he . . . ' 'is he . . . '

just black or white.



Anonymous ID: a1909a June 14, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.9609679   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It doesn't matter to me what your opinion of me is.

there are people who speak out and say things, and they rather like to be heard.

I listen and report so you don't have to.


what do you do? post 40 year old photographs and put up white text bullshit?


I care abut people. you make fun of them.

back off, I'm doing good work

Anonymous ID: a1909a June 14, 2020, 4:50 a.m. No.9609725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9727


she shows them as the willing puppets that they are.

it's like a 'tada' moment. they are the prize.

that is how I read it.

oh, and clueless enabler the deepstate nuclear guy who went to anapolous to the side on the right.


she is dressed in white to mock real piety.

Anonymous ID: a1909a June 14, 2020, 5:05 a.m. No.9609814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9866 >>9897


there are reflective parts on the surface that would change shade as the plane approached, and I never saw that.

maybe I'm forgetting that it wsan't a mirrored building. but there is no shadow and no refection, like they composited the video and neglected the algorithm for how the shadow would effect the rendering of the tower.

it's a amateur mistake.

Anonymous ID: a1909a June 14, 2020, 5:10 a.m. No.9609843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the view of the world trade center was so obiquitous back in the day that many people would not even notice it, it was just there, showing up in all the pictures but . . . if you were driving through Manhattan, or down through Brooklyn, you would see it and it would be up against the sky and it would become this dynamic thing that gave you an understanding of where you were in the journey.

from the farther shores you could see it.

and the sun would often strike it and the effect as you drove by, if you turned a video camera to it . . . you'd get a really cool effect.


And it was well known how cool it looks, how could it not be, for anyone who drove down the highway and just glanced over at it.

the view you see is usually from the Hudson side in most scenes of it that media shows when it's not collapsing.

there were very very many other views.

one of my favorites was driving past and looking up and there was a 'holy shit!!!' moment which we captured on our videos in 1998 (in a convertible.)

Anonymous ID: a1909a June 14, 2020, 5:14 a.m. No.9609862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

maybe a lot of the other views didn't get a lot of play becuase the reaction from New Yorkers when asked about pictures of it seemed harsh like 'keep your fucking pictures we don't care we got shit to deal with'

it was horible seeing them so destroyed by the grief of it.

so we didn't post other pictures. We just said 'whatever' and left them on our harddrives, or back then there would be stacks of photographs. People would have all the pictures printed in a small format and hand them arround to each other. It was a thing.