Anonymous ID: e7b7cc June 14, 2020, 3:38 a.m. No.9609338   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. OUR EARTHLY KINGDOM WILL BE RULED BY OUR LEADER WITH A ROD OF IRON. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.

Anonymous ID: e7b7cc June 14, 2020, 4:02 a.m. No.9609447   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.”

(A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144.)


"There is much in the fact of Bolshevism (Communism) itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism." ~ The Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919.


“Whatever the racial antecedents of their top man, the first Soviet commissariats were largely staffed with Jews. The Jewish position in the Communist movement was well understood in Russia. The White Armies which opposed the Bolshevik government linked Jews and Bolsheviks as common enemies.” ~ Univ. Jew Encyc., Vol. I, p. 336.


“There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolsheviks, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.” ~ London Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1919.


"There is now definite evidence that Bolshevism is an international movement controlled by Jews; communications are passing between the leaders in America, France, Russia and England, with a view to concerted action." ~ Directorate of Intelligence, Home Office, Scotland Yard, London, in a Monthly Report to Foreign Embassies, 16th July, 1919.


David R. Francis, United States ambassador in Russia, warned in a January 1918 dispatch to Washington:

(David R. Francis, Russia from the American Embassy (New York: 1921), p. 214.)


"The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90 percent of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution."


The Netherlands' ambassador in Russia, Oudendyke (Foreign Relations of the United States - 1918 - Russia, Vol. 1 (Washington, DC: 1931), pp. 678-679):


"Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world as it is organized and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things."


"The Bolshevist officials of Russia are Jews. The Russian Revolution with all its ghastly horrors was a Jewish movement." (The Jewish Chronicle, Sept. 22, 1922)


"The Jewish domination in Russia is supported by certain Russians…they (the Jews), having wrecked and plundered Russia by appealing to the ignorance of the working folk, are now using their dupes to set up a new tyranny worse than any the world has known." (The Last Days of the Romanovs, Robert Wilton; Rulers of Russia, Rev. Denis Fahey, p. 15)


"We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America." (The Jew, December 1925, Zinobit)

Anonymous ID: e7b7cc June 14, 2020, 4:09 a.m. No.9609488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9525 >>9545 >>9549 >>9717 >>9733

Most of the Soviet Jews emigrated to Israel and USA after the Second World War. 5.5 million Jews lived in Russia by the turn of the 20th century, only a paltry 100,000 remain today. In the 1960s and 1970s there was a very large Aliyah of Jews from USSR to Israel. Part of Soviet Jews went to the United States of America in the 1970s. Soviet Jews turned out to be Zionist in the end. One Israeli newspaper written that the right-wing Likud Party in Israel came to power in the 1970s mostly because support from USSR recent Jewish immigrants. Menachem Begin became Israeli Prime Minister due to their votes. Most former Soviet Jews live in Israel today. Israeli government has succeeded to some extent to blend the Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe with the Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews from Arab countries, Iran and Central Asia to create some kind of united Israeli identity.


Because they have subverted LANGUAGE itself. Like the word "antisemitism". It doesn't actually "mean" anything. Many jew-derived words are just their own jewish constructs. "antisemitism" might as well equal "anti-parasitism". Yet they have constructed this massive multilayered semantic golem to destroy anyone who dares speak out and speak plainly and say it as it is that we have let these jews play the victim, and they are corrupt, and have immorally and nepotically taken over our societies and we need to kindly tell them to fuck off, because they are destroying all of society and civilization. Jews control the media and news…etc, so have brainwashed from birth people with the fnords of raysizm (jew-construct), sexizm (" "), antisemitism (" ") and have associated them with PURE EVIL, when in fact, the Jew deceptions, lies, and skulduggery and treachery are the true evil


Just grow a pair and speak the truth. The Jew will try economic warfare, slander, losing your job, imprisoning…etc for "thoughtcrime" (codeword for seeing the obvious jew fucking over everybody)


We have become enslaved by our kind nature. The average white man can't fathom the pure evil in the heart of the Jew and his motivations to lie, deceive, cheat, defraud…


We think they are just like us, and give them the benefit of the doubt, because how could someone lie so blatantly and shamelessly right? WRONG. The Jew can, and does, and has, and will continue to do so until we all end up genocided like in Bolshevik (Jew)-run Russia, all the intelligentsia (smartest, brightest, most successful) murdered off, or like in S. Africa right now, the genocide of whites… The Jew's ability to unscrupulously and shamelessly lie gives him the ability to rabble-rouse the dumbest (blacks and browns) parts of society to kill off the "muh oppressors" the whites, meanwhile The Jew then takes control and exploits the browns 100x more than the white man ever could (due to innate morality)

Anonymous ID: e7b7cc June 14, 2020, 4:18 a.m. No.9609547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a NEW ORDER IN THE WORLD. What was performed in so excellent a way in Russia, thanks to Jewish brains, and because of Jewish dissatisfaction, and by Jewish planning, shall also, through the same Jewish mental and physical forces, became a reality all over the world.” ~ The American Hebrew Sept. 10, 1920.

Anonymous ID: e7b7cc June 14, 2020, 4:25 a.m. No.9609582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9750

Western society is the ultimate evil in the mind of the brainwashed (by the Marxist Jews) leftist. As such, anything opposed to Western society, regardless of whether it's opposed to all the values the letist claims to hold, must be morally just and righteous and should be encouraged. This is why the left courts and defends islamists on a regular basis who one would think they have nothing in common with; they wish the destroy the West, and so the islamists, who also wish this, simply must be morally just and righteous by definition, and are accepted as allies. All their crimes are washed away, all their anti-left views ignored, and they are propogated.


Muslims are getting arrested for terrorist plots every month in every white country they inhabit, but brainwashed leftists want to destroy not only white countries, but every trace of white people and white culture on Earth. Never forget that leftists support A WORLD WIDE WHITE GENOCIDE, they are criminally insane and not a moral authority on absolutely anything. They can NEVER be trusted. None of their causes are legitimate. They're all based on lies.


These idiots are making it so easy for the Jewish globalist cabal to take over and implement their New World Order enslavement. They will be first in line when they start ushering in RFID chips (for our own safety of course) and will blindly give up their freedom for servitude under the cleverly disguised mantra of "we are all world citizens". These morons think they're fighting for justice and an end to capitalism, but what they're really doing is inviting their own slavery. This kind of collective Orwellian group-think is a threat to freedom everywhere.


Cultural Marxism is an offshoot of the old 'economic' Marxism and is a covert worldwide umbrella group. It has no HQ, no Red Army, no members marching through our White towns and cities with their banners and flags stating, 'Cultural Marxism - the way forward for our nation' or such. But CM has millions of adherents in our White nations - these followers being all SJWs, political, gay/lesbian, black & minority activists, treasonous Trade Union leaders and Leftist media whores who follow the CM agenda therefore they automatically espouse the ongoing CM genocide of Whites.


The idea is a communist one: organize the minority to communities to attack the majority holders of private power and wealth. The easiest way to organize and subvert the majority is along racial lines.


The Sword and the Shield of communism. The sword is ridicule towards the power class, critical subversion through any means necessary. The shield is political correctness. Once the culture of the country becomes subverted by the organized minority classes, it becomes heresy to criticize them in any way. Therefor they are free to behave as subversively as they wish, eroding away at the core values of a country, while the majority population keeps their most powerful weapon at bay, their voice of opposition.


Jews like Saul Alinsky's life philosophy was a satanist one: it is better to be a valuable or ruling member in hell, rather than a minority class in heaven, thus his goal was to create that hell on earth with himself at the head of the subversive army.

Anonymous ID: e7b7cc June 14, 2020, 4:29 a.m. No.9609600   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Male or female, every member of any traitorous Leftist group that is known to espouse Cultural Marxism - and the eleven Frankfurt School recommendations for the destruction of our White nations, (see below) - politician or not, is a traitor. There is no excuse whatsoever for this treacherous whore to openly state it's a good thing for Germans - or any other Whites to be a minority in their own nation. That's a call for the genocide of Whites - nothing less. It's very simple to weed out this traitor scum. It's way past time for Whites to create the spark that will awaken the still-sleeping Whites by taking to the streets in huge numbers with their anti-Cultural Marxist banners, pride of place going to a list of the eleven FS recommendations as follows:


  1. The creation of racism offences.

  2. Continual change to create confusion.

3.The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children.

  1. The undermining of schools’ and teachers’ authority.

  2. Huge immigration to destroy identity.

  3. The promotion of excessive drinking.

  4. Emptying of churches.

  5. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime.

  6. Reliance on the state or state benefits.

10.Control and dumbing down of media.

11.Encouraging the breakdown of the family.”


If there are any patriots that need further encouragement then they need only remember that the Talmud-inspired Cultural Marxist Jews and their adherents have been working on this nation-wrecking agenda since 1923, first in Germany, & then in the US and the rest of our White nations. They are responsible for huge crimes against our White nations and the ongoing genocide of our White people. If all that was not enough, then just remember that you are doing this for your children and grandchildren. See the satanic nation-wrecking poison of Cultural Marxism in all of it's ghastly Talmud-inspired horror below. Frankfurt School recommendation No 3:




The Leftist sympathisers in the controlled media always use the words 'flee' or 'fled' to describe the legion of Jew infiltrators, spies and traitors, who, when things became too hot in one White nation 'fled' to live in another White country to continue their nation-wrecking Marxist crimes of treason, always citing anti-Semitism not treason as the reason for their flight.


This is merely another Jew Marxist tactic to cover up the wholesale treachery of these internationalist Talmud-inspired Marxist Jews. Why would anyone be in the least surprised that a good percentage of Jews are internationalists of one sort or another, when it's now common knowledge that Marxism has been and is a complete Talmud-inspired Jew enterprise from start to finish.


Progressivism is Bolshevism. The Jewish elites work in a tribal fashion against the dominant culture (formerly White European), until they debase, demoralize and divide through subversion. They use social engineering tactics to push transgender/homosexuality/multi-culturalism/race-mixing/debauchery/gender-fluidity/etc. The way they operate on a tribal level is highly advanced, especially if you study the strategies of the Frankfurt School (cultural marxism).


Cultural Marxism is an international conspiracy whereby the communist elite uses the cultural institutions to brainwash the public against Christianity, nationalism, and conservative western values so that people become stupid, immoral, primitive, and thus easy to manipulate into a Marxist revolution.

Anonymous ID: e7b7cc June 14, 2020, 4:48 a.m. No.9609712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9716 >>9798


-The Jews are the leadership and vanguard of a movement of literal satan worshippers who want to reduce the world's population drastically and rule over an unintelligent, brown slave class.

-Communism was invented by these people for the sole purpose of instituting a worldwide police state through which they can rule, and they plan to institute it universally through the UN.

-Manmade climate change is a hoax, just like the holocaust, designed to scare and guilt people into accepting new draconian rules and losing their way of life.

-They are perfectly willing to allow Islam to fester so long as they can control its leadership to ensure that it keeps the masses terrified and under control while not harming them.

-They created and control ISIS.

-9/11 was orchestrated by the Jews and their Saudi puppets with Bush's knowledge.

-They control literally every nation on earth that has a central bank.

-They propped the United States and Russia up as superpowers in order to use them both to transform the world. They are now propping China up as they head toward the next stage of their plan.

-The migrant crisis was carefully planned and orchestrated by them in order to flood white nations with low-IQ blacks and muslims.

-They are socially engineering us to believe that whiteness is evil and that racemixing is our duty in order to wipe out whites as they see us as their biggest threat.

-They hate Christianity above all else and are doing everything in their power to eradicate it.

-95% of American pastors for the last century have been bought by Jews and spoonfed kike propaganda to lead their congregations into worshipping the kikes as "God's chosen people" even though the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan and Christ-killers.

-Faggotry, trannyism, feminism, and porn are all funded and pushed by them to reduce birthrates, especially amongst whites.

-They are behind every anti-white movement as they desperately want a race war.


Jew have created a logic trap to force whites into submission:


  1. Nazis are evil and should be killed

  2. We gaslit other you own and other races to hate you with our propaganda arms.

  3. If you oppose being destroyed, you’re a Nazi.


Take out the commie Jews in media and this narrative goes away.