Anonymous ID: 036476 June 14, 2020, 5:37 a.m. No.9609997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0728

>>9600569 /pb Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/13/20 (Sat) 16:17:24

Biblical Times.HAPPY BirthDAY SonDAY PDJT



TStamp 16:17:24



QPost# 786

" ...

Future proves past.

The Great Awakening.








Qpost# 1499

Q !CbboFOtcZs 14 Jun 2018 - 3:55:24 PM

"POTUS Tweet on Inspector General Report Delays & Redactions"




By Uriel | June 13, 2020 | {7:32 PM == >"Define money laundering."}


{some highlights of interest "FollowTheMoney"}:

Procedural Fail – Where things began to fall through the cracks though was that despite the working “care and concern” by top management the lack of structure and adherence to procedure was a concern. The main concern was the physical and informational internal control features that supported strong security by those in the Mission to Geneva.


The mission lacked documentation to support its 2019 Annual Chief of Mission Management Control Statement of Assurance.

Mission Geneva and the Bureau of International Organization Affairs did not have shared procedures for promoting and tracking U.S. citizen employment at Geneva-based UN and other international organizations.

Swiss employment and department employee wages and disability insurance were found lacking.

Mission Geneva had deficiencies in its procurement program, including unauthorized commitments and poor contract administration.

The mission did not complete reviews of blanket purchase agreements as required.

Although the Information Management Office met customer needs, the mission did not always carry out information security responsibilities, putting the Department of State’s information systems at risk of compromise.

The IG found documentation of internal control reviews and corrective actions to be missing.

Mission Geneva lacked a standard operating procedure outlining the requirements for all U.S. Government personnel, based in or traveling to Geneva, to report on policy setting events or technical experts’ meetings.



"Finally, it is very important to note that the State Department OIG – Steve Linick’s name did not appear in the compilation of this report even though his area of expertise was international organization affairs.


You may recall a recent fracas that hit MSM over the firing of the OIG inspector who handled this area of international organizations. That was Steve Linick."



"n one way, I am shocked that an IG would have caved or been part of the Democrat duplicitous activities but in another, I simply accept the reality of the corruption and expect there to be a chain of events and web of interactions.


Hopefully the latest group will be able to continue to cooperate together to make the group continue to be successful in representing our country. However, given the animosity toward Trump and the interference by foreign sources in our own country, I really doubt that there can be a robust acceptance of U.S. sovereignty so long as we are involved in the United Nations and the Chinese push to be the world power.


Likewise until the dank rank members of Congress and our own corruption are addressed, little is going to change. Maybe not even then.




>>9609605 /pb < == > for WARroom MEMEammo #TAGhiJACKs

Anonymous ID: 036476 June 14, 2020, 7:26 a.m. No.9610689   🗄️.is 🔗kun



training / conditioning / pavlov's dog bell or whistle

/ enslave {the WORLD, aspirations of Caliphate Mahdi of TurKEY? -biblical in a sense, to distract from "infiltrators"} {HRC}