Anonymous ID: 5d4430 June 14, 2020, 7:49 a.m. No.9610813   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>9610704 PB


Who said two planes destroyed two hundred-floor skyscrapers?

You read what you want to hear. So let me be clearer.


IF a guy wanted to push people away from the concept that 911 was planned and executed by deep state operators and financiers both in America and abroad to create pretext for wars in the Middle East - he might say something outlandish like no planes hit the building, that it was all CGI.

Curious normies would raise their eyebrows and think: "Nutter! Them conspiracy idiots are absolute brain dead crazy freaks. Now they're even saying no planes hit the buildings. Assholes."


The desired effect? Keeping new generation's eyes away from the 911 topic completely?


Explosives of one kind or another took the towers and building 7 down. But real planes hitting those buildings created the real terror and the movie imagery. The two can exist in the same reality. Explosives don't need the absence of planes to detonate.


Clear now on the idea of 'no planers' discrediting the entire pursuit of truth by people who say planes were real but only window dressing?


If you genuinely believe no planes. Fine. Believe it, write about it. I'll believe some of you aren't being genuine and are out to ridicule the entire 911 conspiracy foundation.

Anonymous ID: 5d4430 June 14, 2020, 8:11 a.m. No.9610967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0989





What purpose would a psyop serve?


They want a NWO? So let Hillary win? Simple.

Why tell us all the supposed ins and outs of darkest deep state deeds in hundreds and hundreds of drops?

Keep us ignorant. Keep the conspiracies about aliens and MIBs…..

Why the psyops? What purpose?

Anonymous ID: 5d4430 June 14, 2020, 9 a.m. No.9611369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1402



Why the hell would a multimillionaire with a nice lifestyle of hotels and golf courses and private jets sign up for four years of what he's endured?

Even if he knows the plan (better than us) it has to take a toll mentally, both the job which has been anything but a normal Presidency and in the levels of Real, Vicious, Unending Hate directed at him and his family these past four years.


I hope he wins this 'war'. I hope it's the kind of win we all can share, at least those who cherish ideas of Nation State and true concepts of individual rights and freedoms of speech without censor.

And then I'll chew into people I know who at present won't tolerate a good word about him.