Anonymous ID: 6a787c June 14, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.9611318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1366

Can't wait to see what bunch of nothing Q does next. Will it be a Twit? A Youtube? Another pointless article or picture? This is the greatest game of "hurry up and wait" for no results, ever. The perfect thing to keep us internet nerds busy…since MSM lost its hold. It has been the perfect thing to keep us free-thinkers corralled…because they co-opted the shit we already knew was fucked up. Holding onto to the "soon" that's never coming.

Anonymous ID: 6a787c June 14, 2020, 9:14 a.m. No.9611482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


There are still so many that parrot what the MSM is spewing…from their "experts"…while shit talking us for sharing our "crazy" information. And instead of helping our cause, Q regurgitates the shit WE already know, instead of taking ACTION…thus leaving us with our [insert gender specific genitals here] in our hands, lookin' like rubes. I bought in to this from damn near day 1. Fast forward… and it has become clear it is either a distraction, or elaborate re-election campaign, and nothing more. I ain't voting for the democrap side…and until this validates as more than what it currently has, I sure as shit ain't voting for something I feel is the other side of the same damn coin. I ain't voting on promises. Do this shit before the election, or fuck off.