>CDC: Test all nursing home patients, whether sick or not, for coronavirus
Stupid and pointless unless they were going to be on permanent lockdown, which I'm sure they'd rather be dead.
>CDC: Test all nursing home patients, whether sick or not, for coronavirus
Stupid and pointless unless they were going to be on permanent lockdown, which I'm sure they'd rather be dead.
>Qanon, your thoughts?
That's like asking Biden his thoughts on Ukraine being the money laundering capital of the world.
Can't believe that guy is still at it. God bless his brave soul.
>Q doesn't even get it. THE WHOLE WORLD is on their side
It's not that he doesn't get it. His goals are the opposite of ours.
Feel free to continue to use my post that states nothing happened to Epstein that our gov't didn't order. It's 100% true. I'm neutral on Trump's sexual history, since I have no way of knowing what true or false.
>Whatever the Jews want. Fuck whitey.
No, that's Q's agenda. Ours is obviously just the opposite.
Count me in as a fan.
I've been coming to terms with that, especially since the scamdemic. That's why I've been saying voting doesn't work anymore.
>No one knew about priests raping children before he posted that
Even though it's been in the news for years?
LOL. Silly ass.
Everyone has chosen their sides already. The only thing left is to see the war the play out. We're not going to unite. That's Jew horseshit. Commies and Americans have no common ground.
It's all part of the controlled demolition of our nation. When you look at that way, it all makes sense about what's being allowed to continue and what's not (patriotism is not).
Exactly. In the meantime the most important thing we can do is fight any all attempts at gun control.
>Free Will is absolute!
>Nobody has chosen sides that they cannot change.
Agreed. But enough has happened over the years for people to have drilled down to their core beliefs.
A friendly face to carry out the same agenda as the last 3 or 4 administrations (or whatever point we became owned by Israel and China).
RIP 10th Amendment.
Imagine how much our chances would be improved if just the 10th Amendment was restored. We could have states that fully respect the Constitution and where it's still America. We could have freedom of association back. So many rights that have been taken from us could be restored. It demonstrates the immense consequences of our Constitution not being upheld.
No he doesn't. The Q clingers need help. Those that aren't shills, at least.
Wiping out our history and culture is a step to total control.
I'm not propping anything up but our Constitution, same as always.
Go suck a BLM cock, Q shill. Q wills it.
And will now implement police reforms that will result in black American being legally lawless.