Anonymous ID: 15dc9a June 14, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.9611985   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Quantum entanglement timeline observations:

Different cabals have attempted world domination. Many have conspired together. Many have attempted it alone. All have failed.


Luciferian cabals have enslaved governments, courts, all forms of media, corporations, churches, NGO’s, politics, armies, navies, social justice organizations, secret societies, etc. Some of these people are aware that they are guided by the enemy of mankind, Satan; some are not.


Satan is Lucifer in his fallen state. Most people who agree to oppress others in these entities do it for selfish reasons. Greed, power, and lust lead to murder, mayhem, and war. Satan’s goal is to thwart God. He destroys people in their sins. He destroys nations. He never does good.


All good comes from God. Creation is the way God is exalted. We literally are His children. We chose God and covenanted with Him. To prove us in the short lifetime of mankind he allows Satan to tempt us with all kinds of evil.


To put on the whole armor of God is to make a conscious decision to choose God again during our lifetime and then endure to the end of it. Most people are good, but remain unwilling to give up their sins. That is weakness and is the very way in which Satan will attempt to destroy you.


The reason the cabals have all failed is now known as a scientific fact because quantum entanglement is observable. Every possible secret combination of power has been tested and found defeat. This is known to some of them. They have failed.


Each combination of power, and all possible combinations have been factored. Artificial intelligence has been a tool along with quantum entanglement observations to “see” the outcomes. Artificial intelligence has even been tried as an agent of evil alone and in combination with the powers of the enemy, Satan.


The outcomes are variable in the sense that a nation may crumble or survive. A nuclear war may unfold sooner than later. Certain causes may flourish or fade. But each observation results in more evil unless mankind repents, gives up their sins and returns to the worship of and obedience to their Creator. Then the inevitability of the return of Jesus Christ in power and glory happens in either case.


Q prolongs the advent of this, and allows more time for mortal, fallen man to listen to the Spirit of Christ; repent and forsake their sins, and enables time for mankind to do so. This is accomplished by exposing a portion of the corruption and evil that is unknown to the masses.


In either case, as Q says “God wins.”