Anonymous ID: bccc2f June 14, 2020, 10:07 a.m. No.9611867   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1882 >>1891 >>1930


It was only in 1854 that Baphomet became the goat-headed figure that we are familiar with today. It was Eliphas Levi, a French ceremonial magician, who re-imagined Baphomet as a figure he called the ‘Sabbatic Goat’. Levi’s Baphomet was meant to represent the union of opposing forces.


For instance, the figure is a hermaphrodite, having both male and female physical parts.


Moreover, Levi’s Baphomet was intended to serve as a collective representation for all the magical icons from earlier polytheistic or animistic traditions that survived the spread of Christianity. For instance, the caprine elements were inspired by Banebdjedet, an ancient Egyptian goat-headed deity, as well as by Pan, a Greek deity.


Levi’s Baphomet was also adopted by the famed occultist, Aleister Crowley . It was Crowley who connected Baphomet with Satan, and linked this icon with the idea of suppressed knowledge and secret worship.


"Solve et Coagula"

Anonymous ID: bccc2f June 14, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.9612044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2139



Because of the publication of a violently revolutionary pamphlet, La voix de la famine, he was again imprisoned in 1847. After the February Revolution, he presided over the Club de la Montagne which was described by contemporaries as one of the most radical clubs.

At that time, Constant published his Testament de la liberté (1848), which has later been misunderstood as representing the end of his political ambitions but was in fact a euphoric writing about the beginning of a new regenerated world and the emancipation of the people.


The years between 1848 and 1855 marked for him, as for many other socialists, a period of great uncertainty. After he had initially partaken in the enthusiasm about Louis-Napoléon, he turned against the repressive Emperor with a highly polemical chanson that led to his third political imprisonment, in 1855. As a result, he kept a low profile in subsequent years, albeit without abandoning his political stance.


It has been recently argued that Baphomet should be seen as more than a symbolization of Lévi’s magical theory. Éliphas Lévi, as one of many socialists who had been disillusioned by the failed revolution of 1848, developed his occultism in distinct opposition to “false” socialism and “false” Catholicism, the two constant points of reference in his writings, which consequently functioned as his main identity markers.


The monstrous figure of the Baphomet is an embodiment of all those aspects: the final synthesis of science, religion, philosophy, and politics, which would be realized through the progressive decryption of the tradition of “true” religion and the creation of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Socialist religion and the emergence of occultism: a genealogical approach to socialism and secularization in 19th-century France

Julian Strube

This article will argue that a more complex approach to socialism can contribute to a better understanding of secularization and the emergence of “modern” forms of religion.

This will be demonstrated on the basis of the intellectual development of the socialist Alphonse-Louis Constant who, under his pen-name Eliphas Lévi, is regarded as the founder of occultism. An analysis of his writings will help to illuminate the ambiguous relationship between socialism and secularization.