Current Military Generals – More Committed to Democrats and their Globalist Agenda – Join Deep State’s “Rolling Coup” of President Trump
President Trump and all of America held a deep regard for the US military for years. This was even after the wars in Iraq and the Obama Administration. Now it appears the true colors of the US military are showing and they aren’t flying for America or President Trump.
President Trump and all of America held a deep regard for the military. Conservatives saluted the military for ages while Democrats reviled the military as murderers during the Vietnam years. Then came the wars in the Middle East and President Obama.
One of the real signs of Obama tearing down the military was his firing of General Michael Flynn. General Flynn called out Obama and his terrible policies as he was trying to make a deal with the terrorist nation of Iran while he was shipping weapons to ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Obama targeted General Flynn ever since and as a result he still is caught up in a legal battle that started with a lie and entrapment and is stuck in the courts after two corrupt judges and a compliant lying media.
President Trump brought Generals Mattis, Kelly and McMaster into the White House. General McMaster was so bad he brought in Eric Ciaramella to the White House, the suspected fake whistleblower behind the unconstitutional and corrupt Ukraine impeachment. These guys were suspected leakers and liars and certainly to this day prove they are not behind President Trump or his tens of millions of supporters.
The attitude of these generals and their corrupt actions are indicative of a corrupted military. In a brilliant interview below with Jason Goodman at CrowdSourceTheTruth, Diana West shares her thoughts on the state of the US military today.
Starting at the 4:50 mark in the video below West says: