Anonymous ID: 13e69a June 14, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.9612370   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>9611581 /pb

If that pic of the douche bag globalist scum is of 'her??' gesturing to the religious scum oppressing the people of Persia, she should be told that the 'thumbs up' gesture means the same thing to Persians as does flippin' someone the middle finger in America.

Anonymous ID: 13e69a June 14, 2020, 11:33 a.m. No.9612549   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2567

>>9611803 /lb


Actually pretty funny watching these candidates for the next "Darwin Awards for the Un-Evolved" run around destroying without wearing any face coverings at all, all on video, all about to be arrested just like the nearly 100 pantifaggots and BurnLootMurder 'Street-level Manager' scumbags already arrested for Federal Crimes - and not getting let out by any socialist fake politicians either.


I would be concerned if there wasn't so much evidence that the moronial drones conned into believing pantifaggots or BurnLootMurder are actually abysmally low on the scale as far as intellect, morals, ethics or bowel health.


TBH, I can't understand why they aren't dead yet…not being killed by authorities or Real Americans…even though that is a viable solution…but just why aren't they already dead since they are obviously not able to survive on their own without trying to get others to sacrifice so the moronials don't have to do anything productive and that should have already seen them starve to death due their aversion to working and being part of a nation.


Surely there are some uninhabited islands in the Arctic to where we could ship them? They will be happier being as far away from any civilized region of the world as possible and we should help them move themselves completely to a nice, comfortable, non-policed Arctic Island. They could call it whatever they wanted, put up all the signs they wanted to, impose taxation-without-representation on all who survive the first few hours.


They will be happier being as far away from civilization as possible…so we should send them there.

Anonymous ID: 13e69a June 14, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.9612790   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Gonna have to research the FBI database to see what pedophile meaning there is to 'olive branch' so it can be noted. Perhaps he likes to play with little boy's balls? - thus the olive part.


Who knows…except we know he's a pervert.

Anonymous ID: 13e69a June 14, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.9612859   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Andy the perv doesn't want it to be outed that he is a child rapist….that's the 'olive branch' - immunity from prosecution and complete blackout on any testimony from the perv. He is afraid that; even though he has stepped back from 'public' royal duties he is still getting paid and if the truth comes out he's afraid mommy will cut him off completely…and since he doesn't have any friends he would have to either live on the street or ask to be jailed in America so he can get three-squares-and-a-cot.

Anonymous ID: 13e69a June 14, 2020, 12:20 p.m. No.9612926   🗄️.is đź”—kun

All businesses in all demonrat-scum-run cities and states, that were not protected by the police in those demonrat shit-holes and who had their businesses destroyed…MUST NOT REBUILD in the same location/city or state.


demonrat scum show constantly that they cannot be trusted. Sad for the people in places like Minneapolis, Atlanta, Seattle etc., but there are cities and states managed by the only real political party left in America who would happily welcome you to their city and state and offer assistance for you to get started; especially small businesses.


Perhaps it's time for President Trump to consider a wall - around all demonrat states, making them prisons for the demonrats inside. No airports of course since they can't be trusted to 'fly over' America, no transportation in or out of those demonrat/rino states and cities.


They can enjoy corruption and socialism and communism all they want…but they can't leave their enclaves to damage America.


Yes, it will take a year or so 'till they are die off or come begging to 'emigrate' from their shit-hole to try and become 'legal immigrants' into America, but it will be worth it for the future of America.

Anonymous ID: 13e69a June 14, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.9612979   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3004

So…it's going to be a productive Autumn for me.


Since the nfl and nascar have clarified their anti-America beliefs and have come down on the side of the terrorists and the demonrat/rino scum they have allowed me to have lots of free time as I will never even allow an nfl game or clips of nascar to be shown on my tvs or computers in my house.


Scum gotta scum and nascar and the nfl have clearly demonstrated that they, are scum.

Anonymous ID: 13e69a June 14, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.9613028   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Two years into President Trump's 3rd…oops, slipped there…SECOND term, the karens and kyles will still be reeeeeeeing about 'orange man.'


It will take at least 5 years after the complete destruction of the traitors in the demonrat party and their propaganda wing and their money-laundering wing to be excised from America-proper, before it will even be possible with the best drugs to bring these poor moronials back to reality.


Worth the effort? Not to me but I'm sure there are enough compassionate people among the Republican victors that they will want to help the poor, unfortunate moronials who were trapped by the bullshit from the demonrats/rinos.