Anonymous ID: 18f979 June 14, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.9612526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2562

>>9612159 lb

He who has come for nothing but to steal, kill and destroy.


Steal - he steals everything good that is given to us from our Heavenly Father or tries to, in some cases he succeeds for a season, but in others their whole lives. The believer is attacked the most for a reason.


Kill - the first death, for a believer who is born again of Holy Spirit, death is a Victory through what Jesus Christ accomplished (he won over Death through his resurection and ascension). After a believer dies, he rises again with eternal life, that's why God calls it falling asleep, because you wake up later.


Destroy - the final and only death, never to exist again. This destruction is what awaits the non-born again ones. They suffer death and destruction once and for all, never to exist again in any form. Utter and total destruction.

Anonymous ID: 18f979 June 14, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.9612581   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I will never forget this.

This is the low level of human scum we call @jack that can't even allow our beautiful President, our POTUS, the one day of his birthday! To be called out and admired and loved on that one day, his birthday, is too much for these evil scum with two brain cells to rub together and come up with their petty evil selfish spiteful pittiful acts.