Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:23 a.m. No.9612479   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Navy has 3 carriers in the Pacific for the first time in years, and it's being seen as a warning to China


The US Navy has three aircraft carriers patrolling in the Indo-Pacific, the first time in nearly three years it's put on such a show of naval force.

The deployments come as tensions continue to rise between the US and China, and as the Navy seeks to show it's recovered from a coronavirus outbreak that sidelined one of the carriers now cruising in the region.


WASHINGTON (AP) — For the first time in nearly three years, three American aircraft carriers are patrolling the Indo-Pacific waters, a massive show of naval force in a region roiled by spiking tensions between the US and China and a sign that the Navy has bounced back from the worst days of the coronavirus outbreak.


The unusual simultaneous appearance of the three warships, accompanied by Navy cruisers, destroyers, fighter jets and other aircraft, comes as the US escalates criticism of Beijing's response to the coronavirus outbreak, its moves to impose greater control over Hong Kong and its campaign to militarize human-made islands in the South China Sea.

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.9612507   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Activists arrested Saturday in Fort Worth during Black Love, Enough is Enough protest


At least two activists with Fort Worth protest groups Black Love and Enough is Enough were arrested Saturday night during a march that turned tense when police issued a citation for using a bullhorn.


Natasha “Nysse” Nelson, 35, was arrested at 7:45 p.m. in the 300 block of Commerce Street on suspicion of failure to identify.


Nelson “was warned regarding use of a bull horn to hail individual people in violation of city ordinance,” according to a police incident report. “She continued and was issued a citation for this offense. While being detained she gave false [information] to the officers.”

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.9612529   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889 >>2965

Slovenia: Foreign Antifa agents provoke violence at anti-government protest (VIDEO)


Foreign Antifa agents provoked violence at an anti-government protest in Slovenia’s capital, Ljubljana, on Friday. While such protests are nothing new in Slovenia, this is the first time that international Antifa was involved, and many Slovenes are alarmed.


Slovenia’s Left has been holding protests regularly in the capital since the Right-wing populist government of Prime Minister Janez Janša came to office in March, often in violation of the country’s Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown measures. The protesters have a litany of complaints against the new government, including what they allege are the government’s attempts to increase police powers, the erosion of democracy and freedom of the press, anti-environmental measures, the failure of their pandemic response, and inciting hatred against migrants.

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9612571   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BLM Protesters Shout “BLACK POWER”, Police Chief Marches Alongside (VIDEO)


Sanford Police Department’s manpower had to block roadways and deploy most of their entire police force to cater to the angry protesters. Even more upsetting? Cecil Smith, Sanford’s Chief of Police, marched alongside protesters as they repeatedly chanted BLACK POWER. Imagine the outrage that would sweep across cable news and social media if a WHITE police chief in a small Southern town marched alongside a radical alt-right group that was chanting WHITE POWER.


#BlackLivesMatter protesters, who shut down the streets of Sanford, FL and sapped police resources, chant BLACK POWER, as the Chief of Police marches with them. Unbelievable. Imagine a white police chief in a small southern town marching with a group chanting WHITE POWER.


— Central Florida Post (@CFLPost) June 13, 2020

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.9612599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2644 >>2670 >>2679 >>2805

Polish President Duda says LGBT ideology is worse than Communism


Poland’s President, Andrzej Duda, said that the ideology of the LGBT movement is more harmful than Communism in a speech at a campaign stop yesterday.


President Duda, who is from the Right-wing populist Law and Justice Party (Pis), is running for reelection in Poland’s national elections to be held on June 28. They were originally scheduled for May 10 but were postponed due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


Law and Justice has made opposing the LGBT movement one of the cornerstones of its platform and it has become a keynote theme of the election as well. More than 80 regions in Poland, with PiS’ blessing, have declared themselves “free of LGBT ideology” since last year. The declarations began following Warsaw Mayor Rafał Trzaskowski’s announcement of his opposition to the ruling party’s programme and his intention to integrate LGBT ideas into Poland’s state educational curriculum, as previously reported by Voice of Europe.


PiS calls LGBT ideology a foreign import that has no place in Poland and which threatens the country’s traditional social fabric.

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.9612622   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Latest Poll: Democrats Want to Replace Senile Man in Basement with a Guy Who Killed 5,800 People in Nursing Homes


A new poll revealed that Democrats want to replace the senile Joe Biden with the New York Governor who killed 5,800 people in nursing homes.


Democrats want Andrew Cuomo over Sleepy Joe Biden.

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9612641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2652 >>2740 >>2889 >>2965

Trump administration rolls back Obama-era rule that redefined 'sex' to include 'gender identity'


Federal law will now define sex as it is 'determined by biology.'


The Trump administration on Friday announced revised federal policy regarding sex discrimination, rolling back an Obama-era rule that had redefined "sex" under federal antidiscrimination statute to include a broad, subjective interpretation of "gender identity."


The earlier rule change was a concession to LGBT activists, who in recent years have sought to have significantly broadened interpretations of sex enshrined into local, state and federal law.


The rule expanded sex to include "an individual’s internal sense of gender, which may be male, female, neither, or a combination of male and female." Entities that fall under federal Title IX statute were forbidden from discriminating against anyone on the basis of that revised definition.

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:50 a.m. No.9612689   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If Memory Serves ..Q said something about using All Assets….All the Soro Wannabes come crawling out of the woodwork


It is going to be quite a trip watching Black Lives Matter spend billions of dollars in the coming years handed to them by the most powerful megacorporations in the world to tell everyone how "systemically oppressed" they are!


From Black Enterprise, "Black Lives Matter: Corporate America Has Pledged $1.678 Billion So Far":


Companies have made extraordinary pledges of support in the face of significant operational and financial challenges. Many have stepped up support for black workers and communities. These monetary commitments are designed to facilitate and support "action for racial justice – to empower, support, and accelerate immediate solutions, as well as work towards long-term systematic transformation."


What is surprising is the paucity of corporations and the stinginess of the donations. In a sense, this shows the true regard corporate America has for black people and is, in actuality, why marches and demonstrations were required in the first place. The corporations in our BLM response database list earned over $400 billion in 2019. While we understand that the level of uncertainty in the economy warrants conservation of monetary resources, these institutions are the primary beneficiaries of the Fed's corporate credit facility, a $6.7 trillion dollar expansion in the Federal Reserve's balance sheet specifically designed to help these corporations.

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.9612710   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?

Exceedingly rich, white men (and women) who invest in biomedical companies are funding myriad transgender organizations whose agenda will make them gobs of money.


As an environmental activist who was deplatformed from a speaking venue by transactivists, in 2013 I developed curiosity about the power of this group to force this development. A year later, when Time magazine announced a transgender tipping point on its cover, I had already begun to examine the money behind the transgender project.


I have watched as all-women’s safe spaces, universities, and sports opened their doors to any man who chose to identify as a woman. Whereas men who identify as transwomen are at the forefront of this project, women who identify as transmen seem silent and invisible. I was astonished that such a huge cultural change as the opening of sex-protected spaces was happening at such a meteoric pace and without consideration for women and girls’ safety, deliberation, or public debate.

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.9612738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

City Officials Admit to Accepting Bribes


A former Calexico City, California councilman along with a former commissioner on the city’s Economic Development and Financial Advisory Commission, pleaded guilty in federal court today to corruption charges, admitting that they accepted cash bribes in exchange for promises of official action by the city.


David Romero and Bruno Suarez Soto entered their pleas before U.S. Magistrate Judge Bernard G. Skomal, who set sentencing for Sept. 4, 2020, before U.S. District Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo. Romero and Soto, who were charged in federal court in May, were allowed to remain free on $10,000 personal appearance bonds secured by their own signatures.


According to their plea agreements, Romero and Soto accepted $35,000 in cash bribes from an undercover FBI agent who they believed represented investors seeking to open a cannabis dispensary in Calexico. In return, Romero and Soto guaranteed the rapid issuance of a city permit for the dispensary, and to revoke or hinder other applicants if necessary to ensure that the bribe payer’s application was successful. Both men admitted they had taken bribes from others in the past. Referring to this $35,000 payment, they told the undercover agent, “This isn’t our first rodeo.”


In addition to being a councilman, Romero served as Calexico’s mayor pro tem, meaning he was set to become Mayor in July 2020. Soto recently resigned from the city commission responsible for promoting business and community growth and coordinating with prospective developers to help them invest in the City of Calexico. Romero resigned from office on June 8, 2020.


The charges filed in the case also allege that both men lied to the FBI when interviewed by agents at the conclusion of a January 30 meeting. Romero falsely denied being part of any agreement with the undercover agent, and denied that anyone had made any “guarantees” to the agent. Similarly, Soto falsely denied making any “guarantees” to the undercover agent and denied receiving any prior payments from the agent.


The FBI investigated the case. Trial Attorney Joshua Rothstein with the Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicholas Pilchak of the Southern District of California prosecuted the case.

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, noon No.9612772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889 >>2965 >>2977

Take the Knee, Or Else! UK Police Force Warns 'Trouble' for Officers Not Showing Solidarity With BLM


Whether or not police officers should ‘take the knee’ has become the subject of widespread debate throughout the UK and US. However, one police force in Britain may have now taken things to a new, and potentially troubling, level.


A UK police force has called upon its officers to “take the knee” as a gesture of solidarity with Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors, or risk facing potential consequences, according to The Daily Mail.


Hertfordshire Constabulary told officers in a recent operational briefing that those who don’t kneel at rallies “may become the focus of the protestors’ attention.”


“Officers are to be mindful that this [kneeling] is optional and those who do not do so may become the focus of the protestors attention. Any officer who does take the knee must be cognisant of the operational circumstances and to their own, colleagues and public safety,” the briefing states.


Emotional Blackmail/Veiled Threat Towards #Police To Take The Knee #UK ||

— UK Street Crime 🇬🇧 (@UKStreetCrime1) June 13, 2020

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.9612802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889 >>2965 >>2967 >>2991

Rep. Matt Gaetz: Defund The U.S. Soccer Team If They Won’t Stand For Our National Anthem


Remember when standing for our national anthem wasn’t controversial? As a parent of three girls who’ve all played ice hockey for years, I’ve stood in freezing cold arenas across America at least a hundred times with my hand over my heart, as I proudly joined other parents, grandparents and young fans to honor the flag that represents our great nation. I never looked around to see if anyone was sitting or kneeling, I just assumed that anyone who was blessed to be living in the greatest nation in the world, would proudly stand to honor our flag.


Thanks to a manufactured anti-cop, Black Lives Matter movement, that started in our White House during Barack Obama’s transformative 8 years in office, Americans are once again, witnessing one of the greatest cracks in the unity of our nation in decades, the dishonoring of the American flag.


Yesterday, the Board of Directors for the U.S. Soccer team voted to repeal a 2017 policy that required all players on the U.S. team to stand during the national anthem.


In their statement on Twitter, the U.S. Soccer team only gave one explanation for their decision: “Black Lives Matter” adding, “We can do more and we will.”


Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) flipped the script on the far left activists behind the BLM movement that are calling for defunding the police and tweeted a reply to the U.S. Soccer team, letting them know that he thinks we should “Defund US Soccer!”

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.9612825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2889 >>2917 >>2965

Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Of The American Revolution in Philadelphia Vandalized


The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Of The American Revolution in Philadelphia was vandalized earlier this week.


Statues and monuments of historic white men have been destroyed and targeted by criminal rioters across the nation over the past few weeks, with seemingly no repercussions.


Due to the tomb being made from soft limestone, professional conservators had to be brought in to help repair it and remove the spray paint.


“The National Park Service is working to remove this graffiti on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier of the American Revolution (at Washington Square) safely. We appreciate the offers to help that we’ve received, and we ask your patience while professional conservators continue this delicate task. Thank you for your encouragement and support,” the Independence National Historical Park wrote on Facebook.

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.9612857   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Still waiting for the big aha moment.


Your Brainwashing is complete…Should you be in that little rinky dink fake town your comrades set up..No need for you to look…As Q said the Truth is righ tin front of you…But you Won't/Can't see….Who was it that said that None are so Blind as Those that WILL not see…Go Home ..kekeke

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 12:13 p.m. No.9612879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2913

Wendy’s Donated $500k to Black Causes, Pledged to Amplify ‘Black Voices’


Wendy’s announced earlier this month that it would donate $500,000 to help the black community and promised “to amplify Black voices” on its Twitter account — before being targeted by rioters in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday night.


Protests erupted in outrage over the shooting death of 27-year-old Rayshard Brooks, who was killed in a confrontation with police Friday in the parking lot of a Wendy’s. Brooks allegedly resisted arrest and took an officer’s taser as he fled.


Earlier this month, Wendy’s had backed the Black Lives Matter movement that mobilized after the killing of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African American man, in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Wendy’s joined many other corporations in making large donations to organizations and voicing its support for the movement on social media.


Our voice would be nothing without Black culture. Right now, a lot of people are hurting because of blatant racism against Black people. Their voices need to be heard. Period. #BlackLivesMatter


— Wendy’s (@Wendys) June 3, 2020

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.9612953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2969


As Q said the Truth is right in front of you…..Sad People can't figure it out…Its called arson ….Yet these idiots give them a half million…like Walmart gives them 100 Million and yet they loot their store….What a FKing racket…kekekek

Anonymous ID: 5ea766 June 14, 2020, 12:27 p.m. No.9612978   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Every generation

Blames the one before

And all of their frustrations

Come beating on your door


You say you just don't see it

He says it's perfect sense

You just can't get agreement

In this present tense

We all talk a different language

Talking in defense


So we open up a quarrel

Between the present and the past

We only sacrifice the future

It's the bitterness that lasts