>i don't live in america
ima stop you right there
oh no im sure it does it's just that this is the only show in town
so your opinion doesn't really matter because who gives a fuck what some enlightened scholar in gofuckastan thinks, because their government is irrelevant, because you're all used as weapons testing grounds
it's simply playing the odds bro
and how's that working out for you after all the people that matter left to come here?
keep polishing that statue bro, i want it to shine when i come there for my next vacation
look the only person that takes this board as seriously as you, responding to absolutely every single you they receive, is a shill
so i dunno, i didn't really bother to read much past your jibber jabber non-american whining
go have a pint of beer and take a trolly up to the loo or whatever it is you people do with your time