Look at it this way…. the area's trashed are the shittiest places that needed rebuilding anyway…. for the sole reason that they have has the funds allocated to them…. stolen….. if you took the amounts of money rorted and returned it….. all those places will be rebuilt the best…… no harm as long as lives aren't lost.
the area's trashed are the shittiest places that needed rebuilding anyway
for the sole reason that they have had the funds allocated to them…. stolen…
if you took the amounts of money rorted and returned it….. all those places will be rebuilt the best
No harm as long as lives aren't lost.
Exactly which do you disagree on..
Take out the feels…. it was just funny….especially that you didn't want to share in my bedtime story…lol.
Are those bitter tears… or desperation tears….. more please….lol….mmmmmmmmmm…
Yeah…. I'm heartless….lol.
I saw a pic of a hand the other day, with 6 fingers…. all I could think to myself was-->
" they must be able to type fast and would be the biggest wanker I've met"….. prove me wrong….lol.