Love isn't sin.
So love between men can't be sin.
Don't you love your fellow man?
Oh, I know, you don't have sex with your fellow man.
So when is sex a sin?
When it's non-procreative?
How many times in a life does a man have sex outside of the sole purpose and intent of procreation? In that sense, it seems that all sex is pretty much a sin, by that measure.
I don't claim to understand the mystery of sex, no matter who is having it, though surely love changes the parameters in some respect. And surely non-sexual love doesn't have to be limited by gender.
Sex is still a great mystery. Perhaps the greatest carnal mystery of all. Or perhaps it really is just carnal, plain and simple, and our challenge is to to finally rise above all carnal desires/needs: food, sleep, vanity, physical touch. I just can't help feeling like sex is some desperate need to connect with the divine while we are trapped in the flesh. I think it probably fails to do so in a meaningful way. Or does it? Why is the cabal so obsessed with the distortion and corruption of the sex act? They never include love or caring in sex in their rituals or in their pornography. They teach us to have sex without love or caring. So I come back around: is all sex bad? Or are we just deceived about what sex really is supposed to be while here on earth? I honestly don't know. Even Q says to reject lust. But is lust sex? Or is lust sex without love? What love is sufficient to justify sex? Krishna supposedly advocated celibacy. Many ancient religions included celibacy as part of their spiritual journeys. There's some connection, i just don't think any of us understand it.