tell… wht could possibly go wrong ????
trash day here…
tic tic tic
commy lovers..use christian values with godles mindset… godless commyvile is soughtas utopia heaven on earth…this why appeal to the godless of the world…take wht is not theirs in name of right'..""thou shalt not covet"… at heart of the matter….no matter wht hypocrisy comes out of teh commyvillian mouth…
inner dis-ease only is known to exist by signs/symptoms/characteristics objectively/subjectively observable/sensed
suppression = pushing dis-ease inward deeper more vital region of operation
cure = inner ill treated using the signs/symptoms/charcateistics expressed
cure = inward to outward….more vital to less vital
so next tim
e u see a pimple know ….think twice before u put on the skin creme….expression can be a liberating experience
maybe just doin their job..never know wht be waitin out there