Question 1-093
“If leaking data en mass destroys my country, we betray the country. If we do nothing, we betray the country. I am not disagreeing with you. I am saying the situation is more complicated when you are inside, and you do not have the breadth of info that I have that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you knew what all was going on.”
Nah I get you, I’m just signaling the fuck out of this to get people reason to consider alternatives.
And what do you mean “Destroy the country”? If you destroy the federal government, state governments will step in to fill the void temporarily until new elections of a Constitutional convention can be held to lawfully change the form of the Federal government.
Yeah, shit will go south for a while. But it won’t be the absolute end of the world.
FBI ANON: Revolutions are much longer and more violent than you think. And if a civil war breaks out, foreign powers will immediately get involved, prolonging any conflict.