Spit balling about what the Dems might do to try & win in November.
It is fairly obvious that Biden is a walking, talking liability with onset dementia.
He is a placeholder at best.
But there is an opportunity for the Democrat puppet masters to turn Biden into an asset.
By killing him off.
A dead Biden becomes a sympathetic Biden.
Or even a martyr Biden.
It worked for Dems with JFK–Dems beat an excellent Republican candidate in Goldwater with a corrupt Southern jack-ass of a machine politician in Johnson, due to the sympathy/anger/desire for continuity garnered from the assassination of JFK.
Assassination COD for Biden especially works in their favor (martyr).
And if they can smear anons or the Russian via frame-up (even a fact free frame-up by insinuation) so much the better.
I am tossing this out on the off-chance the possibility is not on the Q/Q+ group's radar. FISA's work both ways, so if the scenario is being discussed by Soros or his boss, I expect it to be exposed in a very public fashion, maybe at the last second with sirens blaring, helicopters buzzing and mass arrests made. (a fire fight and a few defused bombs wouldn't hurt either).
Hell, if this turns out to be the evil that must be shown to give the people the will to change, go for it!