>>9618731 (LB) You statement stands ID: a3e108 June 15, 2020, 3:45 a.m. No.9619630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9638

>>9618731 (LB)

You statement stands out to me. So much so that I had to respond.

I am now at an age you can call old. Not 70's old, but climbing up the ladder. This is something I realized in my 20's. I have found it to be true all of my life.

I have to state, that I have NEVER met anyone(other than a raving lunatic) who did not have a nugget of information, that was useful, thought inspiring or able to change one's outlook.

To dismiss "most people" as having nothing to contribute is wrong and very closed minded.

Sorry for you if you miss out on many of life's lessons, by judging the messenger and not sticking around for the message.

Anonymous ID: a3e108 June 15, 2020, 3:58 a.m. No.9619675   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have several liberal family relatives that would say anything to discredit me, were I to run for an office. To be President? They would burst a vein. Why would this be news.

President Trump has been one of the most scrutinized humans on the face of the earth.

As far as tax schemes. I am sure, everything he has done as been gone over repeatedly.