Rice is on the subpoena list …so makes sense she was the pick all along and her name gets floated right after the list of 52 came out
the one new guy voted for it so he must not be so hot….roberts is no surprise…..need two more solid picks on that court next term and roberts needs the boot as the chief and Thomas has earned that spot….if he wants it….then you want to talk about some ultra high quality head-nigger-in-charge? woooooeeeeeeeee
she's got that, and the Benghazi Sunday shows things….and gobs of other things as well ; she wants "political opponent" status for all she has done for the team ; can you blame her? hahaha
no….it is just to prevent progressives and their ilk from being hung by usually law-abiding citizens who have taken enough shit
apparently if one is from a politically protected class (or three of them!)…and one is a vocal democrat and trump hater…..well then that person cannot be motivated by hate, for some reason unbeknownst to the rest of us ;
H.N.I.C : we need Justice Thomas in charge down there in that Swamp building ; a little movie clip (2:55 for the impatience)
hellboy, in orchid form
he needs to find a wife, or something….have some kids….get some skin in the game….stop playing computers games, and such
gun control in Chicago means the guns control the streets, apparently ; sort of like the golden rule; those with the gold rule
none of these political protected groups want equal treatment….they want preferential treatment….originally they just wanted acceptance ; the leadership of LBGQWERTY wants to run every, single, thing ; is this how they ended up in closet, in the first place, all those centuries ago? they had to be thrown into them?
Matthew 24:36 - "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."