FDA withdraws Hydroxychloroquine, No longer available to the Public
Amazon Sells a safe Alternative to HCQ, already approved in Peru and Bangladesh
Ivermectin is effectively curing COVID-19, even with just a single dose! The FDA is really worried the public might realize that Ivermectin for animals can be purchased without prescription from Pet stores, and even Amazon, in a paste formulation intended to treat Horses. If we don't need a prescription to get the drug then PhRMA (and hence FDA) loses all control, and can no longer deny the Public access to the COVID cures like some states do with Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).. So the FDA has just released an FAQ telling us not to be naughty
Obviously humans have to be careful when scaling the dose from a 1250lb horse to a 170lb human, the usual human dose is about 18milligrams, or 1 gram of the 1.87% horsepaste, just 170/1250 of the dose which is intended for the 1250lb horse. But how can any mathematical risk compare with having to face the disease alone, with no effective antiviral and with Doctors not wanting you anywhere near their surgery or staff? Although the FDA is aware of studies using the drug, it is not telling the public that Ivermectin is an apparently effective anti-COVID drug which has been approved by at least one other country (Peru) for use in COVID-19 therapy as an equivalent to HCQ. Ivermectin has been approved for use in humans for decades, being distributed for free by Merck in African and South American countries to fight parasitic diseases. In the USA Ivermectin is sold as "Stromectol" and we freely give it to kids for the hair-mites they get in their hair at school. It is safe enough to give to kids! The same dose is effective in COVID (150-200 micrograms/kilogram of body weight). The dose can be repeated weekly, if needed.
link to FDA warning not to use: https://www.fda.gov/animal-veterinary/product-safety-information/faq-covid-19-and-ivermectin-intended-animals
Link to a study showing it works: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3580524
How it works: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166354220302011
Link to Official Peru Ministry of Health: https://busquedas.elperuano.pe/normaslegales/modifican-el-documento-tecnico-prevencion-diagnostico-y-tr-resolucion-ministerial-n-270-2020-minsa-1866159-4/
More detailed info from Peru: